swagger-api / swagger-codegen

swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
Apache License 2.0
16.88k stars 6.03k forks source link

Error when generating static docs #81

Closed df-jsykes closed 10 years ago

df-jsykes commented 11 years ago

running ./static-docs.sh returns this, noticed the scala error at the bottom, which may or may not be the main problem,but my docs only list the available operations on the left, clicking on one goes to the server root.

Detected sbt version 0.12.3 [info] Loading project definition from /Users/jasonsykes/Downloads/swagger-codegen-master/project [info] Set current project to swagger-codegen (in build file:/Users/jasonsykes/Downloads/swagger-codegen-master/) [warn] Credentials file /Users/jasonsykes/.ivy2/.credentials does not exist [info] Running SwaggerDocGenerator http://localhost/rest/app/_.json looking at base path http://localhost/rest calling: http://localhost/rest/app calling: http://localhost/rest/app/{container}/ WARNING! Unable to read API http://localhost/rest/app/{container}/ calling: http://localhost/rest/app/{container}/{file_path} WARNING! Unable to read API http://localhost/rest/app/{container}/{file_path} calling: http://localhost/rest/app/{container}/{folder_path}/ WARNING! Unable to read API http://localhost/rest/app/{container}/{folder_path}/ swagger version: 1.1 basePath: http://localhost/rest

api version: 1.0

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. wrote model samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/models/Containers.html wrote model samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/models/Folder.html wrote model samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/models/File.html wrote model samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/models/Container.html wrote model samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/models/FoldersAndFiles.html wrote api samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/operations/AppApi.html copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/pom.xml copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/css/bootstrap.css copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/css/style.css copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/images/logo.png copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/js/bootstrap.js copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js copied samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/assets/js/main.js wrote samples/docs/swagger-static-docs/src/main/webapp/index.html java.lang.InterruptedException at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:485) at scala.tools.nsc.util.WorkScheduler.waitForMoreWork(WorkScheduler.scala:16) at scala.tools.nsc.interactive.PresentationCompilerThread$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcZ$sp(PresentationCompilerThread.scala:21) at scala.tools.nsc.io.NullLogger$.logreplay(Replayer.scala:38) at scala.tools.nsc.interactive.PresentationCompilerThread.run(PresentationCompilerThread.scala:21)

here is the json:

    "basePath": "http://localhost/rest",
    "swaggerVersion": "1.1",
    "apiVersion": "1.0",
    "resourcePath": "/app",
    "apis": [
            "path": "/app",
            "operations": [
                    "httpMethod": "GET",
                    "summary": "List all containers.",
                    "nickname": "getContainers",
                    "responseClass": "Containers",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "include_properties",
                            "description": "Return all properties of the container, if any.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "List the names of the available containers in this storage. Use 'include_properties' to include any properties of the containers."
                    "httpMethod": "POST",
                    "summary": "Create one or more containers.",
                    "nickname": "createContainers",
                    "responseClass": "Containers",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "Array of containers to create.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "Containers",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "check_exist",
                            "description": "If true, the request fails when the container to create already exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data should be a single container definition or an array of container definitions."
                    "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                    "summary": "Delete one or more containers.",
                    "nickname": "deleteContainers",
                    "responseClass": "Containers",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "Array of containers to delete.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "Containers",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": true
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data should be a single container definition or an array of container definitions."
            "description": "Operations available for File Storage Service."
            "path": "/app/{container}/",
            "operations": [
                    "httpMethod": "GET",
                    "summary": "List the container's properties, including folders and files.",
                    "nickname": "getContainer",
                    "responseClass": "FoldersAndFiles",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container you want to retrieve the contents.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "include_properties",
                            "description": "Return all properties of the container, if any.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "include_folders",
                            "description": "Include folders in the returned listing.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "name": "include_files",
                            "description": "Include files in the returned listing.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "name": "full_tree",
                            "description": "List the contents of all sub-folders as well.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "zip",
                            "description": "Return the zipped content of the folder.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Use 'include_properties' to get properties of the container. Use the 'include_folders' and/or 'include_files' to return a listing."
                    "httpMethod": "POST",
                    "summary": "Add folders and/or files to the container.",
                    "nickname": "createContainer",
                    "responseClass": "FoldersAndFiles",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container you want to put the contents.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "url",
                            "description": "The full URL of the file to upload.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false
                            "name": "extract",
                            "description": "Extract an uploaded zip file into the container.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "clean",
                            "description": "Option when 'extract' is true, clean the current folder before extracting files and folders.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "check_exist",
                            "description": "If true, the request fails when the file or folder to create already exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "Array of folders and/or files.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "FoldersAndFiles",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data as an array of folders and/or files."
                    "httpMethod": "PATCH",
                    "summary": "Update properties of the container.",
                    "nickname": "updateContainerProperties",
                    "responseClass": "Container",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container you want to put the contents.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "An array of container properties.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "Container",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": true
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data as an array of container properties."
                    "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                    "summary": "Delete the container or folders and/or files from the container.",
                    "nickname": "deleteContainer",
                    "responseClass": "FoldersAndFiles",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container you want to delete from.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "An array of folders and/or files to delete from the container.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "FoldersAndFiles",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": true
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Careful, this deletes the requested container and all of its contents, unless there are posted specific folders and/or files."
            "description": "Operations on containers."
            "path": "/app/{container}/{file_path}",
            "operations": [
                    "httpMethod": "GET",
                    "summary": "Download the file contents and/or its properties.",
                    "nickname": "getFile",
                    "responseClass": "File",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "Name of the container where the file exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "file_path",
                            "description": "Path and name of the file to retrieve.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "include_properties",
                            "description": "Return properties of the file.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "content",
                            "description": "Return the content as base64 of the file, only applies when 'include_properties' is true.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "download",
                            "description": "Prompt the user to download the file from the browser.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container, folder, or file does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "By default, the file is streamed to the browser. Use the 'download' parameter to prompt for download.\n             Use the 'include_properties' parameter (optionally add 'content' to include base64 content) to list properties of the file."
                    "httpMethod": "POST",
                    "summary": "Create a new file.",
                    "nickname": "createFile",
                    "responseClass": "File",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "Name of the container where the file exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "file_path",
                            "description": "Path and name of the file to create.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "check_exist",
                            "description": "If true, the request fails when the file to create already exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false
                            "name": "properties",
                            "description": "Properties of the file.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "File",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                            "name": "content",
                            "description": "The content of the file.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container or folder does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data should be the contents of the file or an object with file properties."
                    "httpMethod": "PUT",
                    "summary": "Update content of the file.",
                    "nickname": "updateFile",
                    "responseClass": "File",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "Name of the container where the file exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "file_path",
                            "description": "Path and name of the file to update.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "content",
                            "description": "The content of the file.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container, folder, or file does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data should be the contents of the file."
                    "httpMethod": "PATCH",
                    "summary": "Update properties of the file.",
                    "nickname": "updateFileProperties",
                    "responseClass": "File",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "Name of the container where the file exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "file_path",
                            "description": "Path and name of the file to update.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "properties",
                            "description": "Properties of the file.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "File",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container, folder, or file does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data should be the file properties."
                    "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                    "summary": "Delete the file.",
                    "nickname": "deleteFile",
                    "responseClass": "File",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "Name of the container where the file exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "file_path",
                            "description": "Path and name of the file to delete.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container, folder, or file does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Careful, this removes the given file from the storage."
            "description": "Operations on individual files."
            "path": "/app/{container}/{folder_path}/",
            "operations": [
                    "httpMethod": "GET",
                    "summary": "List the folder's properties, or sub-folders and files.",
                    "nickname": "getFolder",
                    "responseClass": "FoldersAndFiles",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container from which you want to retrieve contents.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "folder_path",
                            "description": "The path of the folder you want to retrieve. This can be a sub-folder, with each level separated by a '/'",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "include_properties",
                            "description": "Return all properties of the folder, if any.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "include_folders",
                            "description": "Include folders in the returned listing.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "name": "include_files",
                            "description": "Include files in the returned listing.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "name": "full_tree",
                            "description": "List the contents of all sub-folders as well.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "zip",
                            "description": "Return the zipped content of the folder.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container or folder does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Use with no parameters to get properties of the folder or use the 'include_folders' and/or 'include_files' to return a listing."
                    "httpMethod": "POST",
                    "summary": "Create one or more sub-folders and/or files.",
                    "nickname": "createFolder",
                    "responseClass": "FoldersAndFiles",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container where you want to put the contents.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "folder_path",
                            "description": "The path of the folder where you want to put the contents. This can be a sub-folder, with each level separated by a '/'",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "url",
                            "description": "The full URL of the file to upload.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false
                            "name": "extract",
                            "description": "Extract an uploaded zip file into the folder.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "clean",
                            "description": "Option when 'extract' is true, clean the current folder before extracting files and folders.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "check_exist",
                            "description": "If true, the request fails when the file or folder to create already exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "boolean",
                            "paramType": "query",
                            "required": false,
                            "defaultValue": false
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "Array of folders and/or files.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "FoldersAndFiles",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data as an array of folders and/or files. Folders are created if they do not exist"
                    "httpMethod": "PATCH",
                    "summary": "Update folder properties.",
                    "nickname": "updateFolderProperties",
                    "responseClass": "Folder",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container where you want to put the contents.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "folder_path",
                            "description": "The path of the folder you want to update. This can be a sub-folder, with each level separated by a '/'",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "Array of folder properties.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "FoldersAndFiles",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container or folder does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Post data as an array of folder properties."
                    "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                    "summary": "Delete one or more sub-folders and/or files.",
                    "nickname": "deleteFolder",
                    "responseClass": "FoldersAndFiles",
                    "parameters": [
                            "name": "container",
                            "description": "The name of the container where the folder exists.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "folder_path",
                            "description": "The path of the folder where you want to delete contents. This can be a sub-folder, with each level separated by a '/'",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "paramType": "path",
                            "required": true
                            "name": "data",
                            "description": "Array of folder and files to delete.",
                            "allowMultiple": false,
                            "dataType": "FoldersAndFiles",
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "required": false
                    "errorResponses": [
                            "reason": "Bad Request - Request does not have a valid format, all required parameters, etc.",
                            "code": 400
                            "reason": "Unauthorized Access - No currently valid session available.",
                            "code": 401
                            "reason": "Not Found - Requested container does not exist.",
                            "code": 404
                            "reason": "System Error - Specific reason is included in the error message.",
                            "code": 500
                    "notes": "Careful, this deletes the requested folder and all of its contents, unless there are posted specific sub-folders and/or files."
            "description": "Operations on folders."
    "models": {
        "Containers": {
            "id": "Containers",
            "properties": {
                "container": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of containers.",
                    "items": {
                        "$ref": "Container"
        "Container": {
            "id": "Container",
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Identifier/Name for the container."
                "path": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Same as name for the container."
                "last_modified": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "A GMT date timestamp of when the container was last modified."
                "_property_": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Storage type specific properties."
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of name-value pairs.",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string"
        "FoldersAndFiles": {
            "id": "FoldersAndFiles",
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Identifier/Name for the current folder, localized to requested folder resource."
                "path": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Full path of the folder, from the service including container."
                "container": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Container for the current folder."
                "last_modified": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "A GMT date timestamp of when the folder was last modified."
                "_property_": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Storage type specific properties."
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of name-value pairs.",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string"
                "folder": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of contained folders.",
                    "items": {
                        "$ref": "Folder"
                "file": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of contained files.",
                    "items": {
                        "$ref": "File"
        "Folder": {
            "id": "Folder",
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Identifier/Name for the folder, localized to requested folder resource."
                "path": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Full path of the folder, from the service including container."
                "last_modified": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "A GMT date timestamp of when the folder was last modified."
                "_property_": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Storage type specific properties."
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of name-value pairs.",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string"
        "File": {
            "id": "File",
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Identifier/Name for the file, localized to requested folder resource."
                "path": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Full path of the file, from the service including container."
                "content_type": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "The media type of the content of the file."
                "content_length": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Size of the file in bytes."
                "last_modified": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "A GMT date timestamp of when the file was last modified."
                "_property_": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "Storage type specific properties."
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "Array",
                    "description": "An array of name-value pairs.",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string"
fehguy commented 11 years ago

Hi, it looks like your resource listing has some funny stuff in it. You look to be calling http://localhost/rest/app/_.json--can you please share the contents of that file?

df-jsykes commented 11 years ago

Sure , sorry about that:

    "apiVersion": "1.0",
    "swaggerVersion": "1.1",
    "basePath": "http://localhost/rest",
    "apis": [
            "path": "/user",
            "description": "User Login"
            "path": "/system",
            "description": "System Configuration"
            "path": "/app",
            "description": "Storage for application files"
            "path": "/db",
            "description": "Local database access"
            "path": "/doc",
            "description": "Default storage for documents"
            "path": "/dynamodb",
            "description": "dynamo"
            "path": "/eemail",
            "description": null
            "path": "/fsadfsadfadsf",
            "description": "sadfadsfds"
            "path": "/hotornot",
            "description": "blah"
            "path": "/lib",
            "description": "Storage for library files shared by applications"
            "path": "/myfolder",
            "description": "myfolder"
            "path": "/s3",
            "description": "Amazon S3 Storage"
            "path": "/schema",
            "description": "Local database schema access"
            "path": "/test",
            "description": "test"
fehguy commented 11 years ago

Thanks--it looks as if the URL you put into the generator is pointing to /app, but your resource listing doesn't show it. Maybe you put in a different URL into the generator? Can you point it to your resource listing?

df-jsykes commented 11 years ago

Yes, sorry, I guess I was just trying different things to get it to work.

Here's what happens when I run that file:

[info] Running SwaggerDocGenerator http://localhost/app/swagger/_.json looking at base path http://localhost/rest calling: http://localhost/rest/user calling: http://localhost/rest/system calling: http://localhost/rest/app calling: http://localhost/rest/db calling: http://localhost/rest/doc calling: http://localhost/rest/dynamodb calling: http://localhost/rest/eemail calling: http://localhost/rest/fsadfsadfadsf calling: http://localhost/rest/hotornot calling: http://localhost/rest/lib calling: http://localhost/rest/myfolder calling: http://localhost/rest/s3 calling: http://localhost/rest/schema calling: http://localhost/rest/test ***** Failed to read swagger json! Error: Resource - apiVersion | missing required field Error: Resource - swaggerVersion | missing required field Error: Resource - basePath | missing required field

fehguy commented 11 years ago

I stuck your JSON files behind a jetty web server and got this:

screen shot 2013-08-12 at 10 37 27 am

df-jsykes commented 11 years ago

Do those left hand links work? That was the issue in my first post

On Aug 12, 2013, at 1:38 PM, Tony Tam notifications@github.com wrote:

I stuck your JSON files behind a jetty web server and got this:

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fehguy commented 11 years ago

Yes--go to the project directory that contains the output folder (in my case, it's ./samples/docs/swagger-static-docs) and run "mvn jetty:run", then browse to http://localhost:8000

df-jsykes commented 11 years ago

Thanks man, I'll see what's goin on on my side

On Aug 12, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Tony Tam notifications@github.com wrote:

Yes--go to the project directory that contains the output folder (in my case, it's ./samples/docs/swagger-static-docs) and run "mvn jetty:run", then browse to http://localhost:8000

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

df-jsykes commented 11 years ago

The files must be ok, since swaggerUI has never had a problem with them , correct?

We use swaggerUI on every deployment, here's one: https://dsp-go.cloud.dreamfactory.com/app/applications/swagger/index.html#!/doc

fehguy commented 11 years ago

The codegen is more strict than the UI so that's not always the case. Can you give me the resource URL for the above, and I'll look to see why it's not generating?

fehguy commented 10 years ago

We worked this out in the google group, closing the issue