swaggest / openapi-go

OpenAPI structures for Go
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Set response and request schemas without declared structure? #96

Closed aosderzhikov closed 3 months ago

aosderzhikov commented 4 months ago

Hi, very nice lib!

My app knows about response format only during runtime(it takes it from config file). So I cant declare response format with struct. Here is any way how I can set response schema with json, yaml, map or something else?

getOp, _ := reflector.NewOperationContext(http.MethodGet, "/user/{id}")
getOp.AddReqStructure(new(struct {
    ID string `path:"id"`

getOp.AddRespStructure()  // <- put json, yaml, map or something else here
vearutop commented 4 months ago

Please check if virtual structure works for your case.

aosderzhikov commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I found this useful! There is a way to add response structure with raw yaml or json?


  type: object
      type: string
      type: integer
vearutop commented 3 months ago

Hi, you can use jsonschema.RawExposer to provide raw schema, please check an example.

type rawExposer func() ([]byte, error)

func (r rawExposer) JSONSchemaBytes() ([]byte, error) {
    return r()

func TestReflector_AddOperation_rawSchema(t *testing.T) {
    r := openapi31.NewReflector()
    oc, err := r.NewOperationContext(http.MethodPost, "/foo")
    require.NoError(t, err)

    oc.AddRespStructure(rawExposer(func() ([]byte, error) {
        return []byte(`{"type":"object","properties":{"foo":{"type":"integer"}}}`), nil
    }), openapi.WithHTTPStatus(http.StatusAccepted))

    require.NoError(t, r.AddOperation(oc))

    assertjson.EqMarshal(t, `{
    }`, r.SpecSchema())

(Beware of definition name collisions when using same Go type to expose different schemas, perhaps this can be improved on jsonschema-go side).

aosderzhikov commented 3 months ago

But it only works for JSON? Any way to do the same with YAML?

vearutop commented 3 months ago

hmhm, I considered YAML as an unnecessary "convenience" format that does not need first-class support, being just another form of JSON, so nothing like YAMLSchemaBytes() exists

but I think it is easy to make a helper function that would take YAML, convert it to JSON and expose as JSONSchemaBytes()

aosderzhikov commented 3 months ago

Okey, thank you very much for answers, you helped me a lot!

Maybe it's a good point to add new examples in the documentation :)