swaggest / rest

Web services with OpenAPI and JSON Schema done quick in Go
MIT License
335 stars 17 forks source link

Improve support for Route Group #149

Open fourcels opened 1 year ago

fourcels commented 1 year ago
package main

import (

    swgui "github.com/swaggest/swgui/v4emb"

func main() {
    s := web.DefaultService()

    // Init API documentation schema.
    s.OpenAPI.Info.Title = "Basic Example"
    s.OpenAPI.Info.WithDescription("This app showcases a trivial REST API.")
    s.OpenAPI.Info.Version = "v1.2.3"

    // Setup middlewares.
        gzip.Middleware, // Response compression with support for direct gzip pass through.

    // Declare input port type.
    type helloInput struct {
        Locale string `query:"locale" default:"en-US" pattern:"^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$" enum:"ru-RU,en-US"`
        Name   string `path:"name" minLength:"3"` // Field tags define parameter location and JSON schema constraints.

        // Field tags of unnamed fields are applied to parent schema.
        // they are optional and can be used to disallow unknown parameters.
        // For non-body params, name tag must be provided explicitly.
        // E.g. here no unknown `query` and `cookie` parameters allowed,
        // unknown `header` params are ok.
        _ struct{} `query:"_" cookie:"_" additionalProperties:"false"`

    // Declare output port type.
    type helloOutput struct {
        Now     time.Time `header:"X-Now" json:"-"`
        Message string    `json:"message"`

    messages := map[string]string{
        "en-US": "Hello, %s!",
        "ru-RU": "Привет, %s!",

    // Create use case interactor with references to input/output types and interaction function.
    u := usecase.NewInteractor(func(ctx context.Context, input helloInput, output *helloOutput) error {
        msg, available := messages[input.Locale]
        if !available {
            return status.Wrap(errors.New("unknown locale"), status.InvalidArgument)

        output.Message = fmt.Sprintf(msg, input.Name)
        output.Now = time.Now()

        return nil

    // Describe use case interactor.
    u.SetDescription("Greeter greets you.")


    // Add use case handler to router.
    s.Get("/hello/{name}", u)

        // Add Group Route
    s.Route("/admin", func(r *chirouter.Wrapper) {
        r.Group(func(r *chirouter.Wrapper) {
            r.Get("/hello/{name}", u)

    // Swagger UI endpoint at /docs.
    s.Docs("/docs", swgui.New)

    // Start server.
    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8011", s); err != nil {
vearutop commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry it took me so long to check this PR, not sure if I follow the idea. Could you explain what is the goal of the change?

fourcels commented 1 year ago
// Endpoints with admin access.
r.Route("/admin", func(r chi.Router) {
    r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
        r.Wrap(adminAuth, adminSecuritySchema) // Add both middlewares to routing group to enforce and document security.
        r.Method(http.MethodPut, "/hello/{name}", nethttp.NewHandler(u))


r.Route("/admin", func(r *chirouter.Wrapper) {
    r.Group(func(r *chirouter.Wrapper) {
        r.Wrap(adminAuth, adminSecuritySchema) // Add both middlewares to routing group to enforce and document security.
        r.Put("/hello/{name}", u)

Router and Group Router use same router style