Describe the bug
In the v2 branch with the --v3.1 option, the x-name parsing is placing the extended attributes within "responses" of a path, rather than inside the path object itself. Using the swagger v2 parser works as expected, with no additional indentation, but v3.1 is failing. I am correcting this locally with a quick sed on the yaml(Lazy-man's bug fix).
To Reproduce
// PostAction godoc
// @Summary Execute a specified action
// @Description This endpoint allows the execution of a specified action
// @ID postAction
// @Tags action
// @Param action path string true "The action to be performed"
// @Success 200 {object} Action_Result "Successful execution of the action"
// @Router /action/{action} [post]
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @x-openai-isConsequential true
func PostAction(c *gin.Context) {
Then with the other boiler plate, create the 3.1 spec.
swag-v2 init --v3.1
The above results in the following for me:
description: This endpoint allows the execution of a specified action
operationId: postAction
- description: The action to be performed
in: path
name: action
required: true
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/action.Action_Result'
description: Successful execution of the action
x-openai-isConsequential: true
- ApiKeyAuth: []
summary: Execute a specified action on a CPE
- action
Expected behavior
Simply expect the extended attribute to be indented 1 set less.
description: This endpoint allows the execution of a specified action
operationId: postAction
- description: The action to be performed
in: path
name: action
required: true
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/action.Action_Result'
description: Successful execution of the action
x-openai-isConsequential: true
- ApiKeyAuth: []
summary: Execute a specified action on a CPE
- action
Your swag version
Your go version
go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: fedora 42
Browser: brave
Version: Version 1.71.114 Chromium: 130.0.6723.58 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OAS 3 has a different code for parsing since the spec is different. Not a surprise.
if you need this feature in v2 (OAS 3) please feel free to contribute.
Describe the bug In the v2 branch with the --v3.1 option, the x-name parsing is placing the extended attributes within "responses" of a path, rather than inside the path object itself. Using the swagger v2 parser works as expected, with no additional indentation, but v3.1 is failing. I am correcting this locally with a quick sed on the yaml(Lazy-man's bug fix).
To Reproduce
Then with the other boiler plate, create the 3.1 spec.
swag-v2 init --v3.1
The above results in the following for me:
Expected behavior Simply expect the extended attribute to be indented 1 set less.
Your swag version v2.0.0-rc3
Your go version go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
Desktop (please complete the following information):