swaggyP36000 / TrollStore-IPAs

A collection of IPA files from many different sources, for TrollStore!
3.28k stars 109 forks source link


Closed TheRealCasmat closed 2 weeks ago

TheRealCasmat commented 2 weeks ago

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

if you haven’t tried, try clicking on to purchase the pro, or to restore purchases.

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@WvBijsterveld Still not working

i just installed via appdb and i'm getting a annual subscription that ends in 9692 so download again and make sure you don't already have it installed i guess?

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@TheRealCasmat yes it asked me like 600 questions and then i just made a account with hide my email and 1 letter name. so if you're logged in (using the cracked ipa) then you should have premium

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@TheRealCasmat weird. and you're sure you're downloading the ipa from swaggy's repo on appdb instead of the default ipa?


try installing with another signing program/service. else just try to start from beginning ; clear download folder to ensure you have the correct ipa and walk through the steps carefully.

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@TheRealCasmat hmm idk something's not right. maybe try installing via appdb using a free certificate (if available) i just logged in and everything regarding pro never appears.image image

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@TheRealCasmat ios 18 dev beta, however as far as i know that shouldn't influence anything. have you deleted the original app store app before installing the ipa via side store?

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@TheRealCasmat idk how to do it but try installing it as a duplicate app. also try installing from app store, then log out then delete the app. after that install the ipa again from sideloadly or side store. if that doesn't work i'm gonna try to send you my signed ipa as a duplicate app after that i don't have any more ideas.

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago


Install using sideloadly and click advanced options and signing method> normal install.

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

no idea then. @TheRealCasmat

WvBijsterveld commented 2 weeks ago

@TheRealCasmat no problem!