swanchain / devgrants

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RFP Application<Project_Name> #25

Closed Dikingzo closed 4 months ago

Dikingzo commented 5 months ago

RFP Proposal: kingzo

Name of Project:

Link to RFP: Please link to the RFP that you are submitting a proposal for.

RFP Category: Choose one of core-dev, app-dev, devtools-libraries, technical-design, docs, community

Proposer: replace with your GitHub username

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Please respond with either "Yes" or "No"

Project Description

Please describe what problem or need your project addresses, why it's important, and your technical approach. Since this is a response to an RFP, make sure to address the request directly.

This section should be 2-3 paragraphs long.

Development Roadmap

Please break up your research or development work into a clear set of 2-3 milestones.

For each milestone, please describe the software functionality that we can expect after the completion of each milestone. This should be detailed enough that it can be used to ensure that the software meets the RFP scope.

This section should be approximately 1 page long.

Documentation, Education, and Community

Specify your plans for any documentation, education, and/or community-building that will be essential to your project's success.

Other Deliverables

Specify any other deliverables proposed as part of this project.

Milestone Summary

This table should summarize all of the efforts above. For each milestone, please describe:

Milestone No. Milestone Summary & Staffing Funding Estimated Timeframe
1 Example milestone $X Y weeks
2 Example milestone $X Y weeks
3 Example milestone $X Y weeks

Total Budget Requested

Sum up the total requested budget across all milestones.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Specify your team's long-term plans to maintain and improve this project over time.


Contact Info

Provide us with a way to contact you (email is probably easiest). You can also email contact@swanchain.io with your GH username and link to your public proposal.

Team Members

Team Website

Please link to your team's website here.

Relevant Experience

Please describe (in words) your team's relevant experience, and why you think would do a great job with this RFP. You can cite your team's prior experience in similar domains, doing similar dev work, individual team members' backgrounds, etc.

Team code repositories

Please provide links to your team's prior code repos for similar or related projects.

Additional Information

Please include any additional information that you think would be useful in helping us to evaluate your grant application.

flyworker commented 4 months ago

Need details