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Swan DevGrant<go-market-provider> #26

Open olive8882 opened 2 weeks ago

olive8882 commented 2 weeks ago

Open Grant Proposal: go-market-provider

Project Name: go-market-provider

Proposal Category: Applications

Individual or Entity Name: 0xCookieEx.

Proposer: olive8882

(Optional) Swan ecosystem affiliations: The project can allocate computing or spatial tasks to the computing-provider pledged in the market-provider, and use $SWAN for settlement.

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: go-computing-provider

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP under the MIT/Apache-2 dual-license?: yes.

Project Summary

A platform that facilitates the allocation of computing jobs to providers, utilizing an auction engine for job distribution and a payment engine for financial transactions. It connects job requesters with providers, ensuring efficiency and transparency in job assignments and compensations.


computing-provider is a public resource in SwanChain. If computing-provider trusts market-provider, market-provider will be able to use computing-provider's computing resources and provide continuous benefits to computing-provider. In other words, everyone can become a market-provider and own SwanChain’s massive computing resources.


market-provider Software architecture diagram market-provider Code Repository market-provider Installation, configuration, introduction documents Plug-in adapted for go-computing-provider

Development Roadmap

market-provider software architecture diagram image

Total Budget Requested

Milestone # Description Deliverables Completion Date Funding
Milestone1 Design and implement a minimum viable version of the market-provider based on CP on Swanchain. go-market-provider 3-4Weeks 50000 SWAN
Milestone2 Extend go-computing-provider protocol to support multiple MPs and provide MP installation documentation go-market-provider,DOC 2 Weeks -
Milestone3 Go online and maintain MP,Integrate CP resources and access more clients - - -

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Maintenance: We will conduct routine maintenance activities to ensure the stability and reliability of the MP project. This includes code reviews, bug fixes, and performance optimizations.


Team Members

Olive: Director of Engineering

MartinX: Software Engineer

Simon: Software Engineer && Marketing

Relevant Experience

Our team has 5 years of experience in blockchain development and operation, and has participated in the construction of multiple ecological projects such as IPFS, Filecoin, ETH, and Move. Familiar with a series of development languages ​​such as Go, python, js, and solidity. Team members have strong collaboration, mobility, and flexibility, and have independently developed multiple blockchain projects.