Closed swangcs closed 5 years ago
@swangcs Predicting arrival times of buses using real-time GPS measurements, 2012
@MrTornado24 please rephrase your writings in markdown style for a proper representation
@MrTornado24 also check details about the KNN implementation by reading the "Coffey et al. 2011" paper
@swangcs Time of arrival predictability horzions for public bus routes
@MrTornado24 Good summary and questions!
by the way, I think this paper is also worth reading for you @Ruixinhua especially for 2.1 section "data cleansing process".
@swangcs Bus Travel Time Predictions Using Additive models
the AMM statistically outperformed all methods for all routes and in all distance bins (except for the 14km bin on route 627 where no difference existed between EAM and AMM). In the first distance bin, [0, 1), the Kernel Regression method outperformed both BAM and EAM at all routes except for route 603 (where no statistical difference existed). However, in all other distance bins the two Additive Models statistically outperformed the Kernel Regression.
Kernel Regression outperformed BAM, and EAM in the first distance bin suggests that the Additive Models tend to put more priority on minimizing error in later parts, when it is in fact larger, at the expense of short term predictions. Perhaps this may be fixed by placing more knots at the beginning of the route or through additional features.
@swangcs Learning to Predict Bus Arrival Time From Heterogeneous Measurements via Recurrent Neural Network
In Table. III, LSTM RNN achieves the smallest MAE, RMSE, MAPE for all groups but the “<10 KM” one for MAPE. The performances of LSTM RNN slightly vary with respect to the length of a route. For instance, LSTM RNN achieves 1.23 and 1.19 MAEs in the “10−15 KM” and the “>15 KM” groups, respectively. KFP [15] achieves the worst performance than the other methods. As expected, the search- based approach tends to achieve inferior results when traffic conditions cannot re-occur for the current prediction. Interest- ingly, the regression-based approach. Principally, the more number of time steps LSTM RNN observes, the more accurate both the states ck and hk are.
such as the automatic passenger counter, automated fare collection, weather, and traffic conditions. Moreover, considering bus routes essentially affect each other, how to incorporate the spatial relationship between bus stops into our prediction model is an interesting direction.
Try to summarise your readings in the following aspects: