swapagarwal / JARVIS-on-Messenger

:speech_balloon: A community-driven python bot that aims to be as simple as possible to serve humans with their everyday tasks
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Fetch daily updates from curosity.com #250

Open ahmedsadman opened 6 years ago

ahmedsadman commented 6 years ago

New feature

If you know or used the android app of curiosity, you know it's a great website to learn new and interesting facts of science and latest technology. For more details you can visit: https://curiosity.com/

I think it would be great if JARVIS could fetch the summary of the latest topics, and give user a link to those topics. When user finds a topic interesting, he may click the link to go to the website to read in details. I would like to implement this feature in JARVIS.

For example, user could write "curious", "curiosity", "i am curious" and JARVIS would fetch the latest topic titles from curiosity.com, what do you say?

swapagarwal commented 6 years ago

Is there an API for this?

ahmedsadman commented 6 years ago

No, it would be web scraping

swapagarwal commented 6 years ago

I'd prefer to avoid that, as that is difficult to maintain. If you like, you can create an API yourself! 😄

ahmedsadman commented 6 years ago

I don't know how to create new API by myself, I will look into that. But, how do you avoid web scraping by creating new API, is there any other way to retrieve data from a website (that you don't own) without scraping? Can you explain?

swapagarwal commented 6 years ago

So basically the API will scrape the website, and jarvis will call the API. Any changes in web layout might affect the scraping the logic, which will result in API modification. The change should not affect jarvis.

ahmedsadman commented 6 years ago

Hmm. I don't think I am ready to create a new API. Meanwhile, I have works on the Soccer module, as well as on IMDB rating. Let's keep this in halt

swapagarwal commented 6 years ago

Sure, no problem! 😄