swapniljadhav1921 / asamiasami

State-Of-The-Art & ready to use mini NLP models for Indian Languages
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Not proper tanslation as compared to google #3

Closed vyaslkv closed 3 years ago

vyaslkv commented 3 years ago
What happens when: Red elements of acetylene flow through copper tube? | क्या होता है जब : एसीटीलीन का लाल तत्प कॉपर नली से प्रवाहित कराते हैं? | what happens when : acetylene s red readiness flows from the copper hose?
-- | -- | --
What happens when: Calcium carbide is reacted with water? | क्या होता है जब : कैल्‍सियम कार्बाइड को जल से अभिक्रिया कराते हैं? | what happens when : calcium reacts to carbide from water?
What happens when: Sodium acetate is heated with soda lime? | क्या होता है जब : सोडियम एसिटेट को सोडा लाइम के साथ गर्म करते हैं? | what happens when :heat sodium acetate with soda lime?
Tell me why`H_(3)PO_(3)`Is a di-protic acid. | बताइए  `H_(3)PO_(3)` एक द्विक्षारकीय अम्ल है। | tell me more.
Describe the method of making sulfuric acid by lead chamber with principle. | लेड कक्ष द्वारा गंधकाम्ल के बनाने की विधि का वर्णन सिद्धांत सहित करें। | describe the method of making smells by the lead room including the theory. .
Give the equation of the reaction of nitric acid with the following:<br> (i) copper (ii) iron | निम्नलिखित से नाइट्रिक अम्ल की अभिक्रिया का समीकरण दें: <br> (i) कॉपर (ii) लोहा | equate the reactivation of nitric acid from the following ‹br› [i] copper [ii] iron
Name the major ores of aluminum. Write the principle of expelling it from ore. | एल्युमिनियम के मुख्य अयस्कों के नाम लिखें। उसे अयस्क से निष्कासन कें सिद्धांत को लिखें। | write the names of the main ores of aluminium..write to him theory of expulsion from ore. .
Any chemical reaction`A+Bto`Rate of reaction, if`R=K[A]^(1//2)[B]^(3//2)`What will be the quota of the reaction? | किसी रासायनिक अभिक्रिया `A+Bto` प्रतिफल, के अभिक्रिया का दर अगर `R=K[A]^(1//2)[B]^(3//2)` है तो अभिक्रिया की कोटी क्या होगी? | the rate of reactivation of a chemical reactivation ^thebto ♦ return, if there is a [a] ^1 ’1 ’b] ^3 ’3 ’ return, what will be the koti of the reactivation?
`CuSO_(4)`How much Cu will be obtained when 24125 coulom is delivered from the solution? | `CuSO_(4)`  घोल से 24125 कूलॉम विद्युत प्रवाहित करने पर कितना मोल Cu मिलेगा? | how much mole cu will you get when 24125 coolom electricity flows from the solution?
Explain the depression law relative to Rowl&#39;s vapor pressure. | रॉवल के वाष्पदाब के सापेक्ष अवनमन नियम की व्याख्या करें। | explain the avalanche rule relative to rawl's vapor. .
Which of the following is an alkaline earth element? | निम्न में कौन क्षारीय मृदा धातु तत्व है? | who is the alkaline soil metal element in the following?
Who made the Archaic Periodic Table? | अर्वाचीन आवर्त सारणी किसने बनाया ? | who created the arwachin periodic table ?
In ethine`pi`The number of bonds is | इथाइन में `pi` बाण्ड की संख्या है | ithine has a number of companies .
The volume of one mole of a gas at normal temperature and pressure is | सामान्य ताप एवं दाब पर किसी गेस के एक मोल का आयतन है | there is a volume of a mole of a gass on normal heat and pressure .
Gives dry secretion of calcium format | कैल्‍सियम फार्मेट का शुष्क स्रवण देता है | calcium gives the dry hearing of the farm .
Carbon in the palm | एथीन में कार्बन का संकरण है | ethene has carbon hybridization .
Alkin&#39;s general formula is | एल्‍किन का सामान्य सूत्र है | el kin 's usual formula .
`K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)]`is | `K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` है | there is a [featcn] ] [featcn] ] executive .
Sodium is a member of which group in the periodic table? | सोडियम आवर्त सारणी में किस ग्रुप का सदस्य है? | which group is a member in the sodium periodic table?
vyaslkv commented 3 years ago

first one is google tanslation of the middle hindi text and right one is the result of your work (pipe separated) Google result | original hindi text | Your results

vyaslkv commented 3 years ago

one thing I can do is remove the back tick part and put that back to the translated text

swapniljadhav1921 commented 3 years ago

All these examples are of scientific sentences. I don't think I added such data in training. I added sentence-pairs mostly from open datasets + wiki + news custom datasets.

Google updates model frequently ... so only option to improve models from this repo is adding new data + training new model at least each month. Data is the key factor.

vyaslkv commented 3 years ago

ok got it Swapnil Thanks!!