swaponline / MultiCurrencyWallet

Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 crypto wallets with 0x and atomic swap exchange.
MIT License
464 stars 486 forks source link

ERROR in ./node_modules/libp2p-gossipsub/src/index.js 45:17-54 #5196

Closed blinkserver closed 1 year ago

blinkserver commented 1 year ago

On cenos i followed all isntallation steps. When i try to run "npm run dev" i get:

Build completed in 39.701s

ERROR in ./node_modules/libp2p-gossipsub/src/index.js 45:17-54 Module not found: Error: Package path ./src/record/envelope is not exported from package /root/MultiCurrencyWallet/node_modules/libp2p (see exports field in /ro ot/MultiCurrencyWallet/node_modules/libp2p/package.json) @ ./src/common/messaging/pubsubRoom/createP2PNode.ts 8:0-41 86:24-33 @ ./src/core/swap.room/SwapRoom.ts 17:0-76 95:6-19 @ ./src/core/swap.room/index.ts 1:0-34 2:15-23 @ ./src/front/shared/instances/newSwap.ts 20:0-33 106:28-36 @ ./src/front/shared/containers/App/App.tsx 24:0-50 81:19-32 @ ./src/front/shared/containers/Root/Root.tsx 11:0-37 39:159-162 @ ./src/front/client/index.tsx 4:0-47 22:56-60

webpack compiled with 1 error ERROR in src/common/messaging/pubsubRoom/createP2PNode.ts:68:25 TS2351: This expression is not constructable. Type 'typeof import("/root/MultiCurrencyWallet/node_modules/libp2p/dist/src/in dex")' has no construct signatures. 66 | console.log('Peer id:', peerId._idB58String) 67 |

68 | const p2pNode = new Libp2p({ | ^^^^^^ 69 | //@ts-ignore: strictNullChecks 70 | peerId, 71 | addresses: {

Your version

Does this affect atomic swap flow?

Are real funds at risk?

blinkserver commented 1 year ago
