swapper-org / NodeChain

Nodechain is a service that allows you to create nodes on a blockchain and connect to them natively through APIs. The goal is to allow the user to build their own nodes natively without having to rely on external services.
MIT License
7 stars 5 forks source link

Connector is attaching port 80 to the end of the path #124

Closed phoenix-web3 closed 2 years ago

phoenix-web3 commented 2 years ago


When we try to connect with Infura the following happens:

$ ./nodechain.py -t eth -n testnet -p 60000  start

  _  _          _        ___  _                   
 | \| | ___  __| | ___  / __|| |_   __ _ (_) _ _  
 | .` |/ _ \/ _` |/ -_)| (__ | ' \ / _` || || ' \ 
 |_|\_|\___/\__,_|\___| \___||_||_|\__,_||_||_||_|
                CONNECTOR CONFIG
Port to start (SSL): 443
Starting network nodechain-network.
nodechain-network is already started
Starting connector and reverse proxy... This might take a while.
Connector has been started
Please choose the directory to save blockchain data (/srv/nodechain-node/eth_testnet): 
Starting ethtestnetapi node... This might take a while.
ethtestnetapi node started
Do you want to configure your API  [y/N]: y
Please, introduce a value for protocol: https
Please, introduce a value for host: ropsten.infura.io/v3/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2b2eee1592
Please, introduce a value for rpcPort: 
Can't configure with empty answers.
Please respond with with a valid text for rpcPortPlease, introduce a value for rpcPort: 80
Please, introduce a value for wsPort: 80
eth testnet has registered succesfully in the connector

Connector logs when executing getHeight method:

[INFO][2022-03-16 10:40:20.038730] Executing RPC method getHeight with id 1609070896412 and params {}
[INFO][2022-03-16 10:40:20.038836] Validating JSON schema with eth/rpcschemas/getheight_request.json
[INFO][2022-03-16 10:40:20.040084] Making RPC Request to https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2b2eee1592:80. Payload: {'id': 1609070896412, 'method': 'eth_getBlockByNumber', 'params': ['latest', True], 'jsonrpc': '2.0'}
[ERROR][2022-03-16 10:40:20.567058] Json in client response is not supported: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[ERROR][2022-03-16 10:40:20.567114] Returning RPC error in error handler {'id': 1609070896412, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'error': {'code': 500, 'message': 'Json in client response is not supported: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)'}}