swar / Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager

This is a Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting that is simple, easy-to-use, and reliable.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Plotmanager running, but not adding Plots #501

Open WasHupDa opened 3 years ago

WasHupDa commented 3 years ago

Hey all,

I'm sure I set something wrong in the config.yaml, but I hope someone can tell me what :). I'm using Ubuntu Server 20.04

The config file looks like this:

chia_location: /home/USERNAME/chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia folder_path: /home/USERNAME/.chia/mainnet/log

The Manager is starting properly and the View shows that it is running, it's just not adding any plot. Did I forget to configure something?

Appreciate your help Peter

WasHupDa commented 3 years ago

I saw that instead of folder_path: /home/USERNAME/.chia/mainnet/log

it should be folder_path: /home/USERNAME/.chia/mainnet/plotter. But still not adding plots automatically.

Edit: Some additional info I found out: Plot-Logfile says: File "/home/USERNAME/chia-blockchain/chia/cmds/plots.py", line 34, in plots_cmd raise RuntimeError("Please initialize (or migrate) your config directory with 'chia init'") RuntimeError: Please initialize (or migrate) your config directory with 'chia init'

Line 34 in plots.py: root_path: Path = ctx.obj["root_path"] if not root_path.is_dir(): raise RuntimeError("Please initialize (or migrate) your config directory with 'chia init'") initialize_logging("", {"log_stdout": True}, root_path)

Still trying to find out, where the root_path is set.

Edit 2: Completely deleted all the Plotmanager directories and files and reinstalled it. Unfortunately I have the same issue again. I was checking the locations in config.yaml and they are correct. Also manually adding a plot via CLI in Chia venv is working.

razz4t7 commented 3 years ago

im having the same problem in my log files it says "Second instance. Quitting." same shit after reboot

gitrid commented 3 years ago

I'm having exactly the same issue as @WasHupDa, RuntimeError: Please initialize (or migrate) your config directory with 'chia init'.

What I investigated more: I believe that it can be an issue with permissions on ssh connection. When I do chia init (placed in /home/chia-blockchain) it confirms that it was already done:

Chia directory /home/bro/.chia/mainnet
No keys are present in the keychain. Generate them with 'chia keys generate'
/home/bro/.chia/mainnet already exists, no migration action taken

However "/home/bro/.chia/mainnet" looks different on my Ubuntu Server than on my Ubuntu PC.

Server (where the problem occurs): image Ubuntu PC (everything works): image

I've tried different chmod 777 but nothing has helped.

@swar have you faced this before?

WasHupDa commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

when I'm running the chia init, I get the message:

WARNING: using a farmer address which we don't have the private keys for. WARNING: using a pool address which we don't have the private keys for. /home/USERNAME/.chia/mainnet already exists, no migration action taken.

Directory looks like this: Plotman_Issue

gitrid commented 3 years ago

But does it work for you? These warnings are ok if you are passing keys via swar config, my issue seems to be different

RyanWarwick commented 3 years ago

Hi, From what I observe and understand, running chia init creates the .chia directory in the current active user's (the one who ran the command) $HOME directory, which is usually /home/$USERNAME. I have no issues when running chia init followed by . ./venv/bin/activate python3 manager.py start python3 manager.py view accordingly.

Are you running the manager.py as the same user who ran chia init?

WasHupDa commented 3 years ago

Are you running the manager.py as the same user who ran chia init?

Thanks a lot @RyanWarwick, this was solving the issue!

It looks like the Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager-main directory was owned by root user. So I did a

sudo chown -hR USERNAME ./Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager-main/

and now everything is working perfectly!!

Greetings, Peter

RyanWarwick commented 3 years ago

Are you running the manager.py as the same user who ran chia init?

Thanks a lot @RyanWarwick, this was solving the issue!

It looks like the Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager-main directory was owned by root user. So I did a

sudo chown -hR USERNAME ./Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager-main/

and now everything is working perfectly!!

Greetings, Peter

Nice, that's great to hear :)

swar commented 3 years ago

I hope people look for this issue via a search because you've found the answer! Good work.

racabu commented 3 years ago

I'm doing this and the issue still the same:

File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 1702, in _execute_child raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename) PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/usr/chia-blockchain/chia/cmds'