1)Repeated Background Definition: button has two background definitions, which are redundant. You only need one.
2)Improvment of Media Queries:Adding another breakpoint for larger screens, e.g desktops above 1440px, to handle ultra-wide or high-resolution screens.
3)Animations Optimization: Adding will-change to animating elements (e.g., the rainbow effect) can optimize browser performance when handling complex CSS animations.
4)Inefficient DOM Access: In the scroll event listener, you repeatedly access the DOM for scrollTopButton. It's better to store the DOM element in a variable outside the scroll event, so the DOM is not queried on every scroll action.
5)Toggle Button Issue: The toggleMenu function compares the maxHeight value with "0px", which could sometimes be "0" or other forms depending on the browser and situation.
1)Repeated Background Definition: button has two background definitions, which are redundant. You only need one.
2)Improvment of Media Queries:Adding another breakpoint for larger screens, e.g desktops above 1440px, to handle ultra-wide or high-resolution screens.
3)Animations Optimization: Adding will-change to animating elements (e.g., the rainbow effect) can optimize browser performance when handling complex CSS animations.
4)Inefficient DOM Access: In the scroll event listener, you repeatedly access the DOM for scrollTopButton. It's better to store the DOM element in a variable outside the scroll event, so the DOM is not queried on every scroll action.
5)Toggle Button Issue: The toggleMenu function compares the maxHeight value with "0px", which could sometimes be "0" or other forms depending on the browser and situation.
assign me the task so I can work on these issues
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What browser are you seeing the problem on?
Google Chrome