swarm-game / swarm

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Syntax highlighting for code blocks #574

Open xsebek opened 1 year ago

xsebek commented 1 year ago

As a quick improvement, we should be able to parse markdown code blocks and highlight those in the game UI.

If the first and last line of Text is ```, the lines in the middle should be (parsed as swarm code and) highlighted.


  - 'Example:'
  - '  move; turn left; move; turn right'


  - 'Example:'
  - |
move; turn left; move; turn right

As a bonus, we could easily check that the code parses in the CI. #309 
byorgey commented 1 year ago

As I mentioned in #545, I do not actually think highlighting code blocks will be easy, although I would be very happy to be proven wrong. But I agree we should do this and at least get #309 .

xsebek commented 1 year ago

Well for start I would not semantically highlight the code - just make it bold or italic or something like that - simple attribute of the txt block. :slightly_smiling_face: And of course drop the ```.

Highlighting code semantically would require highlighting individual words like in #545, so that is harder even without the extra work of matching parsed elements to code spans and highlighting those.

byorgey commented 1 year ago

Ah, that makes sense, yes, that should be possible.

xsebek commented 1 year ago

Turns out there is a library for this:

In particular, this function to which we can pass tokenized lines:

  :: (T.Text -> Widget n) -- just put txt function here
  -> [Sky.SourceLine]     -- [SourceLine] == [[Token]] == [[(TokenType, Text)]] 
  -> Widget n

So we can use our already processed terms and just label them.

xsebek commented 1 year ago

Well, it also needs to work with our pretty printing. :thinking:

The way to do that seems to be to:

  1. annotate the Doc.
  2. produce a SimpleDocStream (we can specify line length)
  3. turn that into a list (lines) of lists of text segments each with an assigned TokenType.
xsebek commented 1 year ago

Since I think the implementation is clear now, I will do semantic highlighting too.


  1. start by splitting the descriptions into plaintext paragraphs and code blocks
  2. parse the code blocks
    • if it does not keep the original text so we can print it plainly (e.g. while developing)
  3. pretty print the code blocks (consider line length)
  4. set up an integration test to check that all code blocks are valid
  5. follow the steps in the comment above to highlight the output
  6. profit
xsebek commented 11 months ago

I looked into this and ended up quite confused. 😕 (See WIP in 98ee1095beac0780ef8714601f637e98ca8688f7)

Adding annotations is simple enough, but there are more steps to the Doc TokenType -> Widget Name conversion:

xsebek commented 11 months ago

@byorgey if you have some idea how to approach this, I would be glad to hear it. 😅

The good news is that once we figure this out, we should get nicely coloured code widgets everywhere. Also the Parse and Validate parts will be done as part of #1106.

The bad news is that highlighting is more work than I expected and I will not implement it in #1106. I will probably have to render inline code simply and blocks can get properly highlighted later. @byorgey so I will probably rename this issue back to "Highlight code blocks". 😅

byorgey commented 11 months ago

The bad news is that highlighting is more work than I expected and I will not implement it in #1106. I will probably have to render inline code simply and blocks can get properly highlighted later. @byorgey so I will probably rename this issue back to "Highlight code blocks". 😅

Makes sense. I don't have any particular ideas off the top of my head. If you wanted to schedule a meeting sometime to think about it together I'd be happy to do that.