swarm-game / swarm

Resource gathering + programming game
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Inter-robot communication #94

Open byorgey opened 2 years ago

byorgey commented 2 years ago

This may be still a ways off, but eventually we certainly want to be able to have inter-robot communication. This would enable lots of cool things such as remotely controlling or reprogramming robots, creating teams of robots that can dynamically coordinate among one another, etc. There is some discussion of this in https://github.com/byorgey/swarm/issues/17#issuecomment-927669308 .

There is a lot of language design work to be done here. My initial vague thought is to look for inspiration to things like pi-calculus and session types. Probably full-on session types are too heavy-handed, though. Maybe something simple like typed broadcast channels: a value of type chan t is a channel over which values of type t can be broadcast, supporting operations like

write : forall t. chan t -> t -> cmd ()
read : forall t. chan t -> cmd (unit + t)

Channels will be private in the sense that only robots with a reference to a channel can use it. However, once we merge #303, binding the result of newChannel to a name will automatically make it available to later REPL commands and to robots built afterwards.

There are also game design issues to think about; e.g. what sort(s) of device(s) should be needed to use these features? How far should the signals travel? On the one hand it might be annoying to have to worry about signal strength; on the other hand it might be kind of cool to have to set up a network of robots serving as signal repeaters.

EDIT (14 April 2023): Here's a summary of my latest thinking.

byorgey commented 2 years ago

I'm upgrading this from Nice to have to Moderate --- it seems to keep coming up! I think this is probably one of the first things we should tackle after the alpha release.

byorgey commented 2 years ago

We should also put a bit of thought into propagation delay: the time it takes for a broadcast message to reach a listener can be proportional to the distance.

xsebek commented 1 year ago

I'm upgrading this from Nice to have to Moderate --- it seems to keep coming up! I think this is probably one of the first things we should tackle after the alpha release.

@byorgey shall I pin this then? :slightly_smiling_face:

xsebek commented 1 year ago

We should also put a bit of thought into propagation delay: the time it takes for a broadcast message to reach a listener can be proportional to the distance.

I just realized that if you send a robot to walk away, then we would have to store all messages that the robot could possibly have access to by the time they reach it. That could easily be more than 10000 if you have a lot of robots broadcasting a lot of messages.

byorgey commented 1 year ago

Yeah, that gets complicated. For the sake of argument, what if we just limit the broadcast radius but have instantaneous propagation within that radius? And for I/O cables what if we just allow instantaneous transmission for any distance? That is "un-physical", of course, but is there any way it would mess up the game or make things inconsistent?

xsebek commented 1 year ago

Well, if the signal propagation was by tiles, then it might be manageable.

EDIT2: Also that means we could store messages keyed by time, channel and tile.

We could discard the message once it reaches the most distant known tile. If we ignore teleport, we can even precompute when will it definitely reach that tile, because the most distant robot can only move so far after you send the message.

EDIT: even simpler: take the diameter of known area in tiles, add that value divided by the length of a tile and add 1. After that time all sent messages can be safely discarded.

EDIT3: Or to get the best of both worlds, we could have a broadcast radius of a few tiles and a speed of 1 tile per tick.

I am all for cables being instantaneous, that will at least keep them useful. :+1: