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The Catalyst Swarm After Townhall Main Repository
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ATH Fund10 Proposal #15

Closed cauechianca closed 1 year ago

cauechianca commented 1 year ago

Project Scope

The SWARM After TownHall Fund10 proposal

Project Scope: "SWARM After Town Hall"

The scope of the "SWARM After Town Hall" project encompasses the following:

  1. Purpose:

    • Create a dedicated platform for community engagement and collaboration after the Project catalyst Weekly town halls.
    • Provide an open space for discussions, presentations, and knowledge sharing among Cardano community members.
  2. Key Features:

    • Weekly virtual events held after the Project catalyst Weekly town halls.
    • Presentation sessions where community members can share their ideas, projects, and initiatives.
    • Q&A sessions to facilitate interaction between presenters and attendees.
    • Open discussions on various topics related to Cardano, blockchain technology, and decentralized finance.
    • Integration of new project management tools (e.g., Dework, Mesh, txPipe, etc) to enhance event organization and collaboration.
    • Recognition and token experiences for active participants to reward and incentivize contributions.
  3. Timeline:

    • The project will be executed over a 12-month period, as outlined in the proposed timeline.
    • The timeline will be adjusted as needed based on feedback and project requirements.
  4. Team:

    • A dedicated After Town Hall team is formed [@sirwolcott and @cauechianca)
    • The team will be responsible for organizing and facilitating the weekly events, improving the event format, and managing community engagement.
  5. Target:

    • Cardano community members interested in participating, sharing ideas, and contributing to the project.
    • Input and collaboration with IOG (Input Output Global) to ensure alignment and support for the After Town Hall initiative.
    • Collaboration with Catalyst Swarm and other initiatives to integrate recognition and reward mechanisms for active participants.
  6. Deliverables:

    • Weekly After Town Hall events conducted over the 12-month period.
    • Refined event format and process based on user feedback and continuous improvement.
    • Integration of new project management tools to streamline event organization and collaboration.
    • Implementation of token recognition and reward mechanisms for active participants.
    • Collaboration and knowledge sharing opportunities with other Cardano communities and projects.
Question Answer
[GENERAL] Proposal title SWARM ATH - Discover the Power of Community
[GENERAL] Name and Surname of Main Applicant Cell
[GENERAL] Email address of Main Applicant core-swarm
Additional Applicants peter, Cauê, Catalyst Swarm, treasury ( ?)
[GENERAL] Requested funds in ADA Cell
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months) 12
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language no
[GENERAL] What is the problem you want to solve? (200-character limit including spaces) Lack of open community spaces for the general Cardano community to meet, connect, share ideas, and find collaborators, hindering effective collaboration and idea exchange within the Cardano ecosystem..
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces) Enhance the weekly After Town Hall community event to provide the general Cardano community with an excellent space to connect, collaborate, and share ideas with other community members.and idea exchange within the Cardano ecosystem.
[GENERAL] Website/ GitHub repository, or any other relevant link Cell
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise? no
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. Cell
If NO, please write “No dependencies.” in this field. No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project outputs be fully Open Source? Yes
[GENERAL] If NO, please describe which outputs are not going to be open source Cell
If YES, please write “Project will be fully open source.” in this field. Project will be fully open source


[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.

Our proposed solution aims to address the lack of open community spaces for the Cardano community to connect, collaborate, and share ideas. We perceive this problem as a hindrance to effective collaboration and idea exchange, limiting the growth and innovation potential of the Cardano ecosystem.

What sets our solution apart is the enhancement of the weekly After Town Hall community event. By transforming it into an excellent space for Cardano community members to connect, we provide a unique platform for developers, enthusiasts, and stakeholders to interact and collaborate. This inclusive environment fosters the exchange of ideas, facilitates networking, and promotes partnerships within the Cardano community.

The benefits of our solution extend to the entire Cardano community. Developers can find collaborators, share knowledge, and accelerate project development. Enthusiasts gain opportunities to learn, contribute, and engage with the ecosystem. Stakeholders can discover new projects, forge strategic alliances, and shape the future of Cardano. By strengthening the community, we foster innovation, increase participation, and drive the growth of Cardano as a leading blockchain platform.

To demonstrate the impact of our solution, we will measure the engagement and participation levels in the enhanced After Town Hall community event. We will track the number of attendees, the diversity of participants, and the number of collaborations and projects initiated. Additionally, we will gather feedback from the community to assess the value and effectiveness of the event in fostering connections and collaborations.

By providing an exceptional space for the Cardano community to connect and collaborate, our solution contributes to the vibrancy, inclusivity, and long-term success of Cardano. It empowers individuals, strengthens partnerships, and propels innovation forward in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

We intend to measure the success of our project through a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics that reflect the benefits it brings to the Cardano ecosystem. While some metrics may be challenging to quantify precisely, we will focus on the following indicators:

Attendance and Engagement: We will measure the number of attendees at the enhanced After Town Hall event as an indicator of community participation and engagement. Additionally, we will assess the level of interaction and participation during the event, including the number of questions asked, ideas shared, and collaborations initiated.

Collaborations and Projects: We will track the number of collaborations and projects that are initiated or developed as a direct result of connections made at the After Town Hall event. This metric will demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution in fostering collaboration and innovation within the Cardano ecosystem.

Community Feedback and Opinions: We will gather qualitative feedback from participants to gauge their opinions and satisfaction with the enhanced community event. This feedback will provide valuable insights into the perceived value of the event, areas for improvement, and overall community sentiment.

Community Growth: We will monitor the growth of the Cardano community by tracking the increase in new participants, such as developers, enthusiasts, and stakeholders, who join the ecosystem after attending the After Town Hall event. This metric will reflect the success of our project in attracting and retaining community members.

The measures we have chosen are realistic because they align with the nature of the project and can be reasonably tracked and assessed. While we acknowledge that some impacts, such as long-term productivity and growth, may be challenging to measure accurately within a short timeframe, we believe that the combination of quantitative indicators and qualitative feedback will provide a comprehensive assessment of the project's success.

In both the short and long term, the innovation brought by our project will positively affect Cardano's productivity and growth. In the short term, the enhanced After Town Hall event will foster immediate community engagement, collaboration, and idea exchange, which can lead to the development of new projects and solutions. This increased productivity will contribute to the growth of the Cardano ecosystem.

In the long term, the strengthened community connections and partnerships formed through the After Town Hall event will continue to drive productivity and innovation. The event will become a staple in the Cardano community, attracting more participants and facilitating ongoing collaboration. This sustained productivity and growth will have a compounding effect on the Cardano ecosystem, solidifying its position as a leading platform for blockchain development and adoption.

[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

To measure the success of our project and assess its benefits for the Cardano ecosystem, we will employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics. Here are some of the key measures we intend to use:

Community Engagement: We will track the number of participants attending the enhanced After Town Hall event, as well as the level of active participation during the sessions. This will include metrics such as the number of questions asked, ideas shared, collaborations initiated, and feedback received. Additionally, we will gauge the sentiment and satisfaction of community members through surveys and feedback forms.

Collaboration and Projects: We will monitor the number of collaborations formed during and after the event, as well as the progress and outcomes of these collaborations. This can be measured by tracking the number of joint projects, partnerships, and initiatives that arise as a result of connections made at the After Town Hall. We will also keep an eye on the number of projects that receive funding or support from the Cardano ecosystem following their inception at the event.

Community Growth: We will measure the growth of the Cardano community by monitoring the number of new community members joining Cardano-related forums, social media groups, and developer communities. Additionally, we will track the number of individuals who express an increased interest in Cardano and its ecosystem as a result of their participation in the After Town Hall event.

Feedback and Opinions: Qualitative feedback and opinions from participants will be collected through surveys and interviews. We will ask for their perspectives on the event's value, the connections made, the knowledge gained, and any tangible outcomes they have experienced. This qualitative data will provide valuable insights into the perceived impact of the project and help us make improvements for future iterations.

In the short term, the innovation of enhancing the After Town Hall event will lead to immediate benefits such as increased community engagement, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. Participants will feel more connected and empowered within the Cardano ecosystem, leading to a boost in productivity and growth.

In the long term, the ongoing success of the After Town Hall event will contribute to the sustained growth of Cardano by attracting and retaining talented developers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts. The event will serve as a catalyst for new projects, ideas, and innovations, driving the expansion of the ecosystem. The continuous feedback loop and community-driven nature of the event will foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation, ensuring Cardano remains at the forefront of technological advancements in the blockchain space.

While quantitative metrics will provide tangible evidence of impact, qualitative measures such as users' opinions, experiences, and testimonials will be equally important. They will provide a deeper understanding of the project's value and the positive influence it has on individuals within the Cardano ecosystem. By combining both quantitative and qualitative measures, we aim to provide a comprehensive assessment of the project's success and its impact on Cardano's productivity and growth.

[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

We have comprehensive plans to share the outputs and results of our project to ensure maximum visibility and dissemination of the impact achieved. Our approach includes the following strategies:

Documentation and Reports: We will prepare detailed documentation and reports that capture the key findings, insights, and outcomes of the enhanced After Town Hall event. These documents will be shared with the Cardano community, project stakeholders, and relevant organizations within the blockchain and open-source communities.

Online Platforms: We will leverage various online platforms to share the outputs and impact of our project. This includes publishing articles, blog posts, and case studies on relevant websites, forums, and social media channels. We will actively engage with the Cardano community through these platforms, encouraging discussions, feedback, and sharing of experiences.

Presentations and Events: We will participate in relevant conferences, meetups, and events to present our project's results and impact. This will provide an opportunity to reach a broader audience and engage with stakeholders, developers, and enthusiasts who can benefit from the outcomes of our project.

Collaborative Networks: We will actively collaborate with other projects, initiatives, and organizations within the Cardano ecosystem to share our project's outputs. This includes partnering with community-driven platforms, developer communities, and educational institutions to promote the benefits and opportunities that arise as a result of our completed project.

Research and Development: We will use the results generated from our project as a foundation for further research and development activities. The insights gained, lessons learned, and best practices identified will inform future initiatives aimed at enhancing community collaboration, event organization, and ecosystem growth. These results will be shared with the Cardano Foundation, IOHK, and other relevant entities to contribute to ongoing improvement efforts.

By implementing these plans, we aim to spread the outputs and impact of our project over a reasonable timescale. We will ensure that the information reaches the intended audience, including the Cardano community, developers, stakeholders, and potential collaborators. By sharing our project's outputs and opportunities, we strive to inspire further innovation, collaboration, and growth within the Cardano ecosystem.


[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

We have a strong capability to deliver our project with high levels of trust and accountability. Here are the existing capabilities that demonstrate why we are best suited to execute this project and manage funds properly:

Experience and Track Record: Our team consists of experienced professionals with a proven track record in organizing and managing community events, specifically within the Cardano ecosystem. We have successfully executed similar initiatives in the past, showcasing our ability to plan, coordinate, and deliver projects effectively.

Transparent Financial Management: We are committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in managing funds. We will establish a clear and transparent budgeting process, detailing the allocation of funds for various project aspects such as event logistics, marketing, community outreach, and documentation. Regular financial reports will be provided to the Cardano community, outlining the expenditure and progress of the project.

Collaboration with Cardano Stakeholders: We have established strong relationships with key stakeholders in the Cardano ecosystem, including the Cardano Foundation, IOHK, and EMURGO. These relationships enable us to collaborate closely with the Cardano community and ecosystem partners to leverage their expertise, resources, and support. By working together, we can ensure efficient fund management and maximize the project's impact.

Governance and Community Involvement: We are committed to practicing transparent governance and involving the Cardano community in decision-making processes. We will actively seek input, suggestions, and feedback from community members to shape the project's direction and ensure it aligns with the community's needs and expectations. This participatory approach fosters trust and accountability by giving the community a voice in the project's management.

Project Management and Reporting: We will implement robust project management practices to ensure effective execution and timely delivery. This includes setting clear project milestones, establishing communication channels for regular updates, and providing comprehensive progress reports to the Cardano community. Our team will maintain open and proactive communication, addressing any concerns or questions promptly.

Adherence to Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: We will strictly adhere to all compliance and regulatory requirements relevant to fund management, financial reporting, and data protection. By following established guidelines and best practices, we will demonstrate our commitment to maintaining trust and accountability in handling funds and sensitive information.

External Audit and Review: As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, we will engage an independent external auditor to conduct a thorough review of our financial management processes, expenditure, and compliance. The auditor's report will provide an unbiased assessment of our adherence to financial guidelines and ensure the proper handling of funds.

By combining our experience, transparent financial management practices, collaboration with stakeholders, community involvement, robust project management, compliance adherence, and external review, we have the necessary capabilities to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability. We are confident that our expertise and commitment will ensure the proper management of funds and the successful execution of the project.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals for our project are as follows:

Goal 1: Enhance the After Town Hall community event to provide an excellent space for the general Cardano community to connect and collaborate. To validate the feasibility of achieving this goal, we will:

Conduct user surveys and feedback sessions to gauge community interest and expectations. Monitor event attendance and participation to assess the level of engagement. Collect qualitative feedback from community members regarding the value they gained from the event. Goal 2: Facilitate idea sharing and collaboration among Cardano developers. To validate the feasibility of achieving this goal, we will:

Measure the number of collaborative projects initiated or partnerships formed as a result of the event. Track the progress and outcomes of these collaborations over time. Gather testimonials and success stories from developers who benefited from the event. Goal 3: Increase the number of community members actively participating in the Cardano ecosystem. To validate the feasibility of achieving this goal, we will:

Monitor the growth in the number of participants attending the event over time. Analyze user engagement metrics such as active participation, questions asked, and contributions made during the event. Conduct post-event surveys to assess the impact on community involvement and identify any barriers or challenges faced by participants. Goal 4: Foster a stronger sense of community and connection among Cardano enthusiasts. To validate the feasibility of achieving this goal, we will:

Evaluate community sentiment through sentiment analysis of social media discussions and online forums. Monitor the growth of online communities and forums dedicated to Cardano-related discussions. Collect feedback from participants on their sense of belonging and connection with the Cardano community. In terms of implementation, we will leverage existing event management platforms and tools to organize and host the After Town Hall community event. This may include utilizing platforms like Discord, Zoom, or other collaboration tools to facilitate online interactions. We will also collaborate with relevant community groups, including the Cardano Foundation and ecosystem partners, to promote the event and ensure its success.

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

While some goals can be quantified, such as measuring event attendance or tracking the growth of collaborative projects, we recognize that other goals, such as improving user experience and fostering a sense of community, may be qualitative in nature. In these cases, we will rely on feedback, surveys, testimonials, and sentiment analysis to assess the achievement of these goals. By gathering a comprehensive range of data and feedback, we will be able to measure and evaluate the success of our project beyond numerical metrics, ensuring that we capture the full impact and value it brings to the Cardano ecosystem.

cauechianca commented 1 year ago

This Draft was moved to Gdocs to be refined. [ATH main Folder/ ATH Proposals]