swarm-press / swarm-ath-main

The Catalyst Swarm After Townhall Main Repository
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Create production slides deck for the ATH (automations friendly) #8

Closed cauechianca closed 1 year ago

cauechianca commented 1 year ago

Issue Content:

Objective: Create slides in HTML/CSS or other open-source languages that can retrieve information from an Excel spreadsheet automatically. A step-by-step tutorial is required to guide the process of populating the slides with information from the spreadsheet.

Suggested Tasks:


Slide 1:

Logo Title: CATALYST SWARM (font: black cooper) Subtitle: AFTER TOWN HALL (centered) Heading 3: Project Catalyst Weekly Town Hall

Slide 2:

Title: Join the Town Halls (font: black cooper) Subtitle: https://catalystswarm.com/building-communities/

Slide 3:

Title: Community Events Subtitle: Join and Meet Catalyst Projects and their communities (placeholder for community events, expandable)

Slide 4:

Title: Want to host a Break Out Room or your event on the Swarm Event Calendar? Subtitle: Scan this QR to sign up for a Breakout Room Next Week! or fill out the form through this link: https://forms.gle/rQrrZSCVEyekF8sG9

Slide 5:

Title: Breakout Rooms Placeholder for breakout rooms (expandable) Includes Breakout Room Title and Host name

cauechianca commented 1 year ago

First test: https://swarm-press.github.io/swarm-ath-slides/ Went ONLINE on May, 31st. Link to the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaKQAhnOKbE