swarmcity / SwarmCityConcept

This is the high level description of what needs to be built
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As a user, I can see all hashtags with the number of completed deals for each hashtag, so I can see the activity in Swarm City. #25

Open kikipluche opened 6 years ago

kikipluche commented 6 years ago


In Swarm City, hashtags are marketplaces. A hashtag gives context to a SWT token transfer.

When entering Swarm City, a curated list of hashtags is presented to the user.

How it could work:

On the hastag list view every hashtag is shown with its activity. The activity is the sum of completed (payed out + resolved) deals.

The client gets realtime updates on the hashtag state.

How the Smart Contract could work:

The hashtagProxy contract contains the list of deployed hashtags.

How the API could work:

Subscription: HashtagList returns the hashtaglist

Event: HashtagListChanged returns the new hashtaglist object

What it looks like:

Userflow: https://invis.io/ABGM89SX3V5#/295754518_-Hashtag-List ( > in Invision, hold shift to see clickable areas)


On page /hashtag-list/ each hashtaglistItem has small copy "[completed-deals] deals completed", right below the hashtag itself. This number will update live on this page/view.

Desktop view:

Invisionlinks with login (for inspect mode!): mobile: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/console/13838256/295754518/inspect desktop: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main#/console/14147648/295976012/inspect

Documentation / references

With ♡ from Swarm City