Issue: Implement Create Listing Form Page on Seller Dashboard
We need a dedicated form page in the seller dashboard that allows sellers to create a new listing. This page should be user-friendly, visually aligned with the current dashboard styling, and capable of handling all necessary inputs to submit a new listing.
Form Fields:
Title: Text input for the listing title.
Description: Textarea for detailed information about the listing.
Price: Numeric input for setting the listing price.
Category: Dropdown menu with options (e.g., "Housing," "Fooding," "For Sale").
Images: File upload for adding images to the listing, supporting multiple images.
Client-side validation for required fields.
Clear error messages for incomplete or incorrect entries.
Submit Button:
A "Create Listing" button that initiates form submission and sends data to the backend.
Response Handling:
Display success notification on successful listing creation.
Show error notifications for backend errors or incomplete submissions.
Use the existing dashboard styling (e.g., Tailwind CSS) for consistency.
Additional Notes
Ensure accessibility and responsive design.
Error and success notifications should be implemented with existing UI components.
Acceptance Criteria
A functional and accessible "Create Listing" form page on the seller dashboard.
All required form fields are properly validated.
Successful creation feedback or relevant error messages are displayed to the user.
Issue: Implement Create Listing Form Page on Seller Dashboard
We need a dedicated form page in the seller dashboard that allows sellers to create a new listing. This page should be user-friendly, visually aligned with the current dashboard styling, and capable of handling all necessary inputs to submit a new listing.
Form Fields:
Submit Button:
Response Handling:
Additional Notes
Acceptance Criteria
closes #455