swarris / Pacasus

Correction of palindromes in long reads from PacBio and Nanopore
MIT License
14 stars 3 forks source link

Final linking of kernel calculateScore failed. #9

Closed jcerca closed 5 years ago

jcerca commented 5 years ago

Dear Pacasus' authors,

first, I am most thankful because I see potential in Pacasus in saving a project of my PhD wherein we generated pacbio data after WGA. Most assemblers (canu, wdtgb2, miniasm) are not working for this data. Thank you.

I've hit the following problem, and trying to search around the web, but without success.

Final linking of kernel calculateScore failed.

Full command

python --version
Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.

python /data/projects/stygocapitella_subterranea/analyses/5_pacasus/program/Pacasus/pacasus.py --framework=opencl --device_type=CPU --platform_name=Intel -o ./stygo.allPacbiodata.pacasusassembly.fa --number_of_compute_units=32 --filter_factor=0.00001 --query_coverage=0.0001 --query_identity=0.0001 --relative_score=0.0001 --base_score=0.25 --minimum_read_length=500 ../pacbio2017.stygoC.fa

Full log

                match_score: 3,
                mismatch_score: -4,
                gap_score: -3.0,
                other_score: -1,
                any_score: 0
DEBUG - Initializing DnaRnaScore finished.
INFO - Application initialized.
INFO - Setting program...
DEBUG - Initializing aligner...
DEBUG - Initializing hitlist...
DEBUG - Initializing hitlist OK.
DEBUG - Setting SW...
DEBUG - Using OpenCL CPU implementation
DEBUG - Initializing SmithWaterman.
INFO - No gap extension penalty detected: using original PaSWAS scoring algorithm
DEBUG - Found platform <pyopencl.Platform 'Portable Computing Language' at 0x7fda5a92e020>, however this is not the platform indicated by the user
DEBUG - Initializing device 0
DEBUG - Aligner initialized.
WARNING - Forcing output to FASTA
WARNING - Forcing query step to 1
WARNING - Forcing sequence step to 1
WARNING - Forcing Matrix to PALINDROME
DEBUG - Initializing Score...
DEBUG - Initializing score finished.
DEBUG - Initializing DnaRnaScore...
DEBUG - Creating matrix with parameters:
                match_score: 3,
                mismatch_score: -4,
                gap_score: -3.0,
                other_score: -1,
                any_score: 0
DEBUG - Initializing DnaRnaScore finished.
INFO - Program set.
DEBUG - Initializing hitlist...
DEBUG - Initializing hitlist OK.
INFO - Reading query sequences 0 1...
DEBUG - Initializing reader
        path = /scratch/jcerca/pacbio2017.stygoC.fa
        limitlength = 100000...
DEBUG - Initializing reader finished.
DEBUG - Reading from fasta file...
DEBUG -         1 sequences read.
DEBUG - Sorting records on length...
INFO - Query sequences OK.
INFO - Reading target sequences 0, 1...
DEBUG - Initializing reader
        path = /scratch/jcerca/pacbio2017.stygoC.fa
        limitlength = 100000...
DEBUG - Initializing reader finished.
DEBUG - Reading from fasta file...
DEBUG -         1 sequences read.
DEBUG - Sorting records on length...
INFO - Target sequences OK.
INFO - Processing 1- vs 1-sequences
DEBUG - Fixing palindrome sequences...
DEBUG - Initializing hitlist...
DEBUG - Initializing hitlist OK.
DEBUG - Total memory on Device: 131072.0
DEBUG - Compiling OpenCL code.
DEBUG - Converting score to string...
DEBUG - build program: binary cache miss (key: 7add07c734141d085c03d5de4bb2edcd)
DEBUG - build program: start building program from source on <pyopencl.Device 'pthread-AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6376' on 'Portable Computing Language' at 0x555a117eec20>
DEBUG - build program: from-source build complete
Final linking of kernel calculateScore failed.
swarris commented 5 years ago

Dear jcerca,

Thank you for showing interest in Pacasus! Let's see if we can rescue your data. I see for the log file that you have an AMD Opteron processor from about 2012, is that right? I doubt this processor supports OpenCL. Do you have any more recent hardware available? Preferably GPUs? Maybe it is best to send me an e-mail and discuss options? sven.warris at wur.nl Best, Sven