swarthout / feathers-apollo

Feathers and Apollo Server Sample Project
MIT License
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Upgrade graphql dependencies; migrate to graphql-server-express #11

Closed solon closed 7 years ago

swarthout commented 7 years ago

Thank you for doing this. I had been looking to do this for a while. You are awesome!

solon commented 7 years ago

No problem! :)

syffs commented 5 years ago

since this was 2 years ago, you must have some experience about running feathers with apollo or graphql... I'm a beginner with both, so i had a few questions:


solon commented 5 years ago


is there a reason why you replaced apollo with graphql ?

This PR updated the packages based on the changes that were introduced in apollo-server v0.4.2. Since then, though, the packages changed again: this time from graphql-server-express to apollo-server-express.

does it actually make sense to run feathers with apollo ? I'm under the (probably wrong) impression that feathers and apollo both attempt to solve same issues but not exactly the same way

IMO, Feathers is a great choice for REST-oriented applications. For a GraphQL-based back end, I would recommend looking at either Prisma, or apollo-server + graphql-shield + TypeORM + accounts-js (which has built in support for both GraphQL and REST) instead.