Closed tjavdar closed 7 years ago
See #2
See #343 for i3bar feature support: it's not implemented yet. Feel free to implement it and send a patch.
I've "hacked" this for manual bar hide:
bindsym $mod+a exec ( ( ps axo comm= | grep -w swaybar > /dev/null ) && pkill swaybar ) || swaybar -b bar-0
Is there any progress on this?
mode hide
is supported on sway 1.0 and newer.
This issue is from the 0.x era. sway (and swaybar) have been completely rewritten since.
Hello friends.
I wrote this in the ~/.config/sway/config
bar {
mode hide
swaybar_command waybar
, but the swaybar
is still visibled. It is shown just below the waybar
Any advice? :)
EDIT: sway version is 1.7.6
First congrats and thanks^2 for great work from a fresh convert from i3 to sway on Wayland!
I use to hide status bar (consider it robbing too much of screen estate), so I display it just when needed (press $mod in i3).
The problem: i3status displays properly, but is not hidden.
Here's my corresponding lines in config:
bar { position bottom mode hide status_command i3status -c ~/My/skel/sway/i3status.conf
Vesrsion info: sway 0.12.1-1 / Linux i5 4.10.8-1-ARCH