swaywm / sway

i3-compatible Wayland compositor
MIT License
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Keyboard shortcuts not working #2218

Closed bkaplowitz closed 6 years ago

bkaplowitz commented 6 years ago

Hi I'm trying something unsupported so that might be causing a problem. I am running sway inside a lxc running debian on a chromebook. It is using wayland to render graphical interfaces for apps, so I thought it might be able to use sway. I managed to get sway successfully installed, and when I run it the sway desktop pops up (huzzah!) albeit much too small in a window. The only notifications I get are " DANGER !! Sway does not have CAP_SYS_PTRACE and cannot enforce security rules for processes running as other users." and [main.c:71] Using output 0 of 1, neither of which seems particularly relevant based on reading in other places. I am effectively using the default config. However, I cannot use any keyboard shortcuts. The mouse moves around inside the window, but I cannot seem to click on anything. I cannot close the window or logout without closing the terminal running sway (which I can't kill within the terminal). So effectively I get an uncloseable window I have to close from outside the vm. Is there any way to get the keyboard working? Config file is:

# Default config for sway
# Copy this to ~/.config/sway/config and edit it to your liking.
# Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.

### Variables
# Logo key. Use Mod1 for Alt.
set $mod Mod4
# Home row direction keys, like vim
set $left h
set $down j
set $up k
set $right l
# Your preferred terminal emulator
set $term urxvt
# Your preferred application launcher
set $menu dmenu_run

### Output configuration
# Default wallpaper (more resolutions are available in /usr/local/share/backgrounds/sway/)
output * bg /usr/local/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill
# Example configuration:
   output HDMI-A-1 resolution 2400x1600 position 1920,0 scale 2
# You can get the names of your outputs by running: swaymsg -t get_outputs

### Input configuration
# Example configuration:
   input "2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad" {
       dwt enabled
       tap enabled
       natural_scroll enabled
       middle_emulation enabled
# You can get the names of your inputs by running: swaymsg -t get_inputs
# Read `man 5 sway-input` for more information about this section.

### Key bindings
# Basics:
    # start a terminal
    bindsym $mod+Return exec $term

    # kill focused window
    bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill

    # start your launcher
    bindsym $mod+d exec $menu

    # Drag floating windows by holding down $mod and left mouse button.
    # Resize them with right mouse button + $mod.
    # Despite the name, also works for non-floating windows.
    # Change normal to inverse to use left mouse button for resizing and right
    # mouse button for dragging.
    floating_modifier $mod normal

    # reload the configuration file
    bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload

    # exit sway (logs you out of your wayland session)
    bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit
# Moving around:
    # Move your focus around
    bindsym $mod+$left focus left
    bindsym $mod+$down focus down
    bindsym $mod+$up focus up
    bindsym $mod+$right focus right
    # or use $mod+[up|down|left|right]
    bindsym $mod+Left focus left
    bindsym $mod+Down focus down
    bindsym $mod+Up focus up
    bindsym $mod+Right focus right

    # _move_ the focused window with the same, but add Shift
    bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left
    bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down
    bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up
    bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right
    # ditto, with arrow keys
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
    bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
# Workspaces:
    # switch to workspace
    bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1
    bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2
    bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3
    bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4
    bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5
    bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6
    bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7
    bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8
    bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9
    bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10
    # move focused container to workspace
    bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
    bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
    bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
    bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
    bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
    bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
    bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
    bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
    bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
    bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
    # Note: workspaces can have any name you want, not just numbers.
    # We just use 1-10 as the default.
# Layout stuff:
    # You can "split" the current object of your focus with
    # $mod+b or $mod+v, for horizontal and vertical splits
    # respectively.
    bindsym $mod+b splith
    bindsym $mod+v splitv

    # Switch the current container between different layout styles
    bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
    bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
    bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split

    # Make the current focus fullscreen
    bindsym $mod+f fullscreen

    # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
    bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle

    # Swap focus between the tiling area and the floating area
    bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle

    # move focus to the parent container
    bindsym $mod+a focus parent
# Scratchpad:
    # Sway has a "scratchpad", which is a bag of holding for windows.
    # You can send windows there and get them back later.

    # Move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
    bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad

    # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
    # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
    bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show
# Resizing containers:
mode "resize" {
    # left will shrink the containers width
    # right will grow the containers width
    # up will shrink the containers height
    # down will grow the containers height
    bindsym $left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym $down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym $up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym $right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt

    # ditto, with arrow keys
    bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
    bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt

    # return to default mode
    bindsym Return mode "default"
    bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"

# Status Bar:
# Read `man 5 sway-bar` for more information about this section.
bar {
    position top
    colors {
        statusline #ffffff
        background #323232
        inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c

include /etc/sway/config.d/*

Running sway -d 2>sway.log gives me the following log file:

I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:250] Linux penguin 4.14.43-05062-g1048e72698de #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 31 11:00:23 PDT 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:222] Contents of /etc/os-release:
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] VERSION_ID="9"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] VERSION="9 (stretch)"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] ID=debian
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] HOME_URL="https://www.debian.org/"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] SUPPORT_URL="https://www.debian.org/support"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:222] Contents of /etc/debian_version:
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:229] 9.4
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/games:/sbin:/bin
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] LD_LOAD_PATH=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] LD_PRELOAD_PATH=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] SWAY_CURSOR_THEME=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] SWAY_CURSOR_SIZE=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] SWAYSOCK=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_DRM_DEVICE=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_SHM=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_OUTPUTS=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_XWAYLAND=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_LIBINPUT=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_REPEAT_DELAY=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] WLC_REPEAT_RATE=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT=(null)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:207] XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=(null)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] unable to lock lockfile /run/user/1000/wayland-0.lock, maybe another compositor is running

D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] unable to lock lockfile /run/user/1000/wayland-1.lock, maybe another compositor is running

I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:466] Starting sway version 0.15.2-2-g79a7a2c9 (2018-07-05, branch "0.15")

D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:450] Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to /home/bkaplowitzbk/.config
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:475] Loading config from /etc/sway/security.d/00-defaults
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'permit * fullscreen keyboard mouse'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(permit) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '*'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [permit.c:71] Permissions granted to * for features 112
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'permit /usr/local/bin/swaylock lock'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(permit) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaylock'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [permit.c:71] Permissions granted to /usr/local/bin/swaylock for features 113
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'permit /usr/local/bin/swaybg background'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(permit) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaybg'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [permit.c:71] Permissions granted to /usr/local/bin/swaybg for features 116
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'permit /usr/local/bin/swaygrab screenshot'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(permit) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaygrab'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [permit.c:71] Permissions granted to /usr/local/bin/swaygrab for features 120
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'permit /usr/local/bin/swaybar panel'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(permit) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaybar'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [permit.c:71] Permissions granted to /usr/local/bin/swaybar for features 114
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'ipc /usr/local/bin/swaymsg {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(ipc) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaymsg'
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '* enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(*) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC * feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'events {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(events) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '* disabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(*) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:158] Disabled IPC * event
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:822] End of IPC events block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:817] End of IPC block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'ipc /usr/local/bin/swaybar {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(ipc) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaybar'
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bar-config enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bar-config) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC bar-config feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'outputs enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(outputs) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC outputs feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'workspaces enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(workspaces) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC workspaces feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'command enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(command) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC command feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'events {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(events) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'workspace enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(workspace) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:155] Enabled IPC workspace event
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'mode enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(mode) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:155] Enabled IPC mode event
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:822] End of IPC events block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:817] End of IPC block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'ipc /usr/local/bin/swaygrab {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(ipc) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaygrab'
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'outputs enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(outputs) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC outputs feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'tree enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(tree) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC tree feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:817] End of IPC block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'ipc /usr/local/bin/swaylock {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(ipc) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [security.c:14] Validating IPC target '/usr/local/bin/swaylock'
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'outputs enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(outputs) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc.c:106] Enabled IPC outputs feature
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:817] End of IPC block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'commands {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(commands) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(*) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:623] Set command policy for * to -1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(fullscreen) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:623] Set command policy for fullscreen to 10
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:623] Set command policy for bindsym to 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(exit) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:623] Set command policy for exit to 2
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(kill) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:623] Set command policy for kill to 2
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:812] End of commands block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:475] Loading config from /home/bkaplowitzbk/.config/sway/config
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $mod Mod4'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $left h'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $down j'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $up k'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $right l'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $term urxvt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'set $menu dmenu_run'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(set) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'output * bg /usr/local/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(output) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [output.c:194] Config stored for output * (enabled:-1) (-1 x -1 @ -1, -1 scale 1) (bg /usr/local/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'output HDMI-A-1 resolution 2400x1600 position 1920,0 scale 2'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(output) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [output.c:194] Config stored for output HDMI-A-1 (enabled:-1) (2400 x 1600 @ 1920, 0 scale 2) (bg (null) (null))
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'input "2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad" {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(input) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [input.c:19] new_input_config(2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [input.c:15] entering input block: 2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'dwt enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(dwt) 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [input.c:19] new_input_config(2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'tap enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(tap) 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [tap.c:8] tap for device: 2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [input.c:19] new_input_config(2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [tap.c:26] apply-tap for device: 2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'natural_scroll enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(natural_scroll) 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [input.c:19] new_input_config(2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'middle_emulation enabled'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(middle_emulation) 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [input.c:19] new_input_config(2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad)
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:795] End of input block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Return exec $term'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Return to command exec urxvt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+q to command kill
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+d exec $menu'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+d to command exec dmenu_run
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'floating_modifier $mod normal'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(floating_modifier) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+c to command reload
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+e to command exit
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+$left focus left'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+h to command focus left
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+$down focus down'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+j to command focus down
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+$up focus up'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+k to command focus up
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+$right focus right'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+l to command focus right
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Left focus left'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Left to command focus left
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Down focus down'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Down to command focus down
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Up focus up'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Up to command focus up
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Right focus right'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Right to command focus right
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+h to command move left
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+j to command move down
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+k to command move up
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+l to command move right
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Left to command move left
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Down to command move down
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Up to command move up
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Right to command move right
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+1 to command workspace 1
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+2 to command workspace 2
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+3 to command workspace 3
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+4 to command workspace 4
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+5 to command workspace 5
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+6 to command workspace 6
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+7 to command workspace 7
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+8 to command workspace 8
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+9 to command workspace 9
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+0 to command workspace 10
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+1 to command move container to workspace 1
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+2 to command move container to workspace 2
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+3 to command move container to workspace 3
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+4 to command move container to workspace 4
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+5 to command move container to workspace 5
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+6 to command move container to workspace 6
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+7 to command move container to workspace 7
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+8 to command move container to workspace 8
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+9 to command move container to workspace 9
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+0 to command move container to workspace 10
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+b splith'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+b to command splith
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+v splitv'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+v to command splitv
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+s layout stacking'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+s to command layout stacking
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+w to command layout tabbed
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+e to command layout toggle split
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+f fullscreen'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+f to command fullscreen
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+space to command floating toggle
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+space to command focus mode_toggle
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+a focus parent'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+a to command focus parent
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+minus to command move scratchpad
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+minus to command scratchpad show
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'mode "resize" {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(mode) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [mode.c:48] Switching to mode `resize'
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound h to command resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound j to command resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound k to command resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound l to command resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Left to command resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Down to command resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Up to command resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Right to command resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym Return mode "default"'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Return to command mode "default"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym Escape mode "default"'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Escape to command mode "default"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:789] End of mode block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bindsym) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bind.c:94] bindsym - Bound Mod4+r to command mode "resize"
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'bar {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(bar) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [bar.c:57] Configuring bar bar-0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'position top'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(position) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [position.c:31] Setting bar position 'top' for bar: bar-0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'colors {'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(colors) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'statusline #ffffff'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(statusline) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'background #323232'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(background) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(inactive_workspace) 0
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:807] End of bar colors block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command '}'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:801] End of bar block
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:519] handling config command 'include /etc/sway/config.d/*'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [commands.c:344] find_handler(include) 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:615] /etc/sway/config.d/* not found.
E: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:269] !! DANGER !! Sway does not have CAP_SYS_PTRACE and cannot enforce security rules for processes running as other users.
I: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:50] [wlc] Failed to bind socket: 
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] Activating tty
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] WLC-1 Chose mode (0) 800x480
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [handlers.c:221] Output 1 resolution changed to 800 x 480
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [container.c:138] New output 1:WLC-1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [container.c:149] Matched wildcard output config for WLC-1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:1178] Setting background for output 0 to /usr/local/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [layout.c:63] Adding 0x5999d9b540e0 (1, 800.000000x480.000000) to 0x5999d80f4300 (0, 0.000000x0.000000)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [config.c:1060] Invoking swaybar for bar id 'bar-0'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:46] Workspace: Generating new workspace name for output WLC-1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '10'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:109] Workspace: Found free name 10
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '1'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:109] Workspace: Found free name 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '2'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '3'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '4'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '5'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '6'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '7'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '8'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [workspace.c:68] Got valid workspace command for target: '9'
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [container.c:204] Creating default workspace 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [container.c:221] Added workspace 1 for output 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [layout.c:63] Adding 0x5999d9b55430 (2, 800.000000x480.000000) to 0x5999d9b540e0 (1, 800.000000x480.000000)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [debug_log.c:103] Setting focus to 0x5999d9b55430:18446744073709551615 (WORKSPACE '1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [ipc-server.c:1056] Sending workspace::focus event
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] EGL context is double buffered
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] EGL version: 1.4 (DRI2)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] EGL vendor: Mesa Project
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] EGL client APIs: OpenGL OpenGL_ES 
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] EGL context (RGB888)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_MESA_configless_context 
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] GL version: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 13.0.6
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] GL vendor: VMware, Inc.
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions 
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] GLES2 renderer initialized
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] Set new bsurface to output (1)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] Added output (1)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:42 - [main.c:52] [wlc] become active
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:178] Event on IPC listening socket
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:225] New client: fd 24, pid 8731
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:178] Event on IPC listening socket
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:225] New client: fd 26, pid 8731
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:249] Client 24 readable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 24 queue: { "id": "bar-0", "tray_output": null, "icon_theme": null, "tray_padding": 2, "activate_button": 272, "context_button": 273, "secondary_button": 274, "mode": "dock", "hidden_state": "hide", "modifier": "Mod4", "position": "top", "status_command": "while :; do date +'%Y-%m-%d %l:%M:%S %p'; sleep 1; done", "font": "monospace 10", "bar_height": -1, "wrap_scroll": false, "workspace_buttons": true, "strip_workspace_numbers": false, "binding_mode_indicator": true, "verbose": false, "pango_markup": false, "colors": { "background": "#323232ff", "statusline": "#ffffffff", "separator": "#666666ff", "focused_background": "#323232ff", "focused_statusline": "#ffffffff", "focused_separator": "#666666ff", "focused_workspace_border": "#4c7899ff", "focused_workspace_bg": "#285577ff", "focused_workspace_text": "#ffffffff", "inactive_workspace_border": "#32323200", "inactive_workspace_bg": "#32323200", "inactive_workspace_text": "#5c5c5cff", "active_workspace_border": "#333333ff", "active_workspace_bg": "#5f676aff", "active_workspace_text": "#ffffffff", "urgent_workspace_border": "#2f343aff", "urgent_workspace_bg": "#900000ff", "urgent_workspace_text": "#ffffffff", "binding_mode_border": "#2f343aff", "binding_mode_bg": "#900000ff", "binding_mode_text": "#ffffffff" } }
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 24 writable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:249] Client 24 readable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 24 queue: [ { "id": 1, "name": "WLC-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 800, "height": 480 }, "visible": false, "focused": false, "border": "none", "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "percent": null, "window": 1, "urgent": false, "current_border_width": 0, "active": true, "primary": false, "layout": "output", "type": "output", "current_workspace": "1", "scale": 1 } ]
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 24 writable
I: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [main.c:71] Using output 0 of 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:249] Client 26 readable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 26 queue: {"success": true}
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 26 writable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:249] Client 24 readable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 24 queue: [ { "id": 2, "name": "1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 800, "height": 480 }, "visible": false, "border": "none", "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "percent": null, "window": -1, "urgent": false, "current_border_width": 0, "num": 1, "output": "WLC-1", "type": "workspace", "layout": "splith", "focused": true } ]
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 24 writable
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [extensions.c:127] Setting surface 0x5999da142c60 as panel for output 1 (wl_resource: 0x5999da15c1e0)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [extensions.c:27] Creating panel config for resource 0x5999da15c1e0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d80f4300 (ROOT 'root')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d80f4300 root 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:975] Arranging output 'WLC-1' at 0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 (OUTPUT 'WLC-1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 WLC-1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 (WORKSPACE '1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1008] -> Found panel for this workspace: 0x0, position: 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1030] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1148] Arranging 0x5999d9b55430 horizontally
focus:R      |(0x5999d80f4300)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x5999d9b540e0)(h:18446744073709551615)Type:root|layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:root
|focus:X     |(0x5999d9b540e0)(p:0x5999d80f4300)(f:0x5999d9b55430)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:WLC-1
|-focus:K    |(0x5999d9b55430)(p:0x5999d9b540e0)(f:(nil)   )(h:18446744073709551615)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [extensions.c:23] Found existing panel config for resource 0x5999da15c1e0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [extensions.c:162] Panel position for wl_resource 0x5999da15c1e0 changed 0 => 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d80f4300 (ROOT 'root')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d80f4300 root 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:975] Arranging output 'WLC-1' at 0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 (OUTPUT 'WLC-1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 WLC-1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 (WORKSPACE '1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1008] -> Found panel for this workspace: 0x0, position: 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1030] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1148] Arranging 0x5999d9b55430 horizontally
focus:R      |(0x5999d80f4300)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x5999d9b540e0)(h:18446744073709551615)Type:root|layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:root
|focus:X     |(0x5999d9b540e0)(p:0x5999d80f4300)(f:0x5999d9b55430)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:WLC-1
|-focus:K    |(0x5999d9b55430)(p:0x5999d9b540e0)(f:(nil)   )(h:18446744073709551615)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d80f4300 (ROOT 'root')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d80f4300 root 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:975] Arranging output 'WLC-1' at 0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 (OUTPUT 'WLC-1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 WLC-1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 (WORKSPACE '1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1008] -> Found panel for this workspace: 800x21, position: 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1030] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 21.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1148] Arranging 0x5999d9b55430 horizontally
focus:R      |(0x5999d80f4300)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x5999d9b540e0)(h:18446744073709551615)Type:root|layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:root
|focus:X     |(0x5999d9b540e0)(p:0x5999d80f4300)(f:0x5999d9b55430)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:WLC-1
|-focus:K    |(0x5999d9b55430)(p:0x5999d9b540e0)(f:(nil)   )(h:18446744073709551615)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w: 800|h: 459|x:   0|y:  21|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [main.c:52] [wlc] Xwayland started (DISPLAY :2)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [main.c:52] [wlc] xfixes (5.0)
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [handlers.c:1113] Compositor is ready, executing cmds in queue
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [extensions.c:99] Setting surface 0x5999da11fbc0 as background for output 1
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 (OUTPUT 'WLC-1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b540e0 WLC-1 800.000000x480.000000+0.000000,0.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [debug_log.c:103] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 (WORKSPACE '1')
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:968] Arranging layout for 0x5999d9b55430 1 800.000000x459.000000+0.000000,21.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1008] -> Found panel for this workspace: 800x21, position: 0
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1030] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 21.000000
D: 07/05/18 22:39:43 - [layout.c:1148] Arranging 0x5999d9b55430 horizontally
focus:R      |(0x5999d80f4300)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x5999d9b540e0)(h:18446744073709551615)Type:root|layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:root
|focus:X     |(0x5999d9b540e0)(p:0x5999d80f4300)(f:0x5999d9b55430)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w: 800|h: 480|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:WLC-1
|-focus:K    |(0x5999d9b55430)(p:0x5999d9b540e0)(f:(nil)   )(h:18446744073709551615)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w: 800|h: 459|x:   0|y:  21|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [debug_log.c:103] Setting focus to 0x5999d9b540e0:1 (OUTPUT 'WLC-1')
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:1056] Sending workspace::focus event
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 26 queue: { "change": "focus", "old": null, "current": { "id": 2, "name": "1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 21, "width": 800, "height": 459 }, "visible": true, "focused": false, "border": "none", "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "percent": null, "window": -1, "urgent": false, "current_border_width": 0, "num": 1, "output": "WLC-1", "type": "workspace", "layout": "splith", "floating_nodes": [ ], "nodes": [ ], "focus": [ ] } }
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 26 writable
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:249] Client 24 readable
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 24 queue: [ { "id": 2, "name": "1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 21, "width": 800, "height": 459 }, "visible": true, "border": "none", "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "percent": null, "window": -1, "urgent": false, "current_border_width": 0, "num": 1, "output": "WLC-1", "type": "workspace", "layout": "splith", "focused": true } ]
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 24 writable
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [debug_log.c:103] Setting focus to 0x5999d9b540e0:1 (OUTPUT 'WLC-1')
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:1056] Sending workspace::focus event
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 26 queue: { "change": "focus", "old": null, "current": { "id": 2, "name": "1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 21, "width": 800, "height": 459 }, "visible": true, "focused": false, "border": "none", "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "percent": null, "window": -1, "urgent": false, "current_border_width": 0, "num": 1, "output": "WLC-1", "type": "workspace", "layout": "splith", "floating_nodes": [ ], "nodes": [ ], "focus": [ ] } }
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 26 writable
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:249] Client 24 readable
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:983] Added IPC reply to client 24 queue: [ { "id": 2, "name": "1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 21, "width": 800, "height": 459 }, "visible": true, "border": "none", "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "percent": null, "window": -1, "urgent": false, "current_border_width": 0, "num": 1, "output": "WLC-1", "type": "workspace", "layout": "splith", "focused": true } ]
D: 07/05/18 22:40:04 - [ipc-server.c:315] Client 24 writable

Any idea what the problem might be? Thanks!

RyanDwyer commented 6 years ago

I realise I'm a bit late to the party, but the first thing to check would be to try it with a different modifier key. Try Mod1 (Alt) instead of Mod4.

The other thing would be to try the 1.0 alpha. Your log contains references to WLC, so you must be using 0.15 which is no longer receiving support.