Open Tormen opened 5 years ago
How does i3 handle this?
I don't think i3 handles minimization. I know that Keepassxc has an option to go to the system-tray.
This is still an issue.
$ uname -a
Linux daos-495 6.0.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.0.8-1 (2022-11-11) x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ keepassxc --version
KeePassXC 2.6.6
$ sway --version
sway version 1.7
sway version 1.0-rc1-201-ge9d09646 (Mar 26 2019, branch 'master')
I am using keepassxc and they have an option that, when enabled, leads to the application to want to hide (by minimizing) itself when copying a password, which is really neat!
But with swaywm this is not working anymore. Which made me think:
I do understand that a minimize gui-button or a minimize function that one could bind to a keyboard shortcut does NOT exist and will never exist :grin: But there is the scratchpad, which kind of serves as a replacement from what I got.
And it would be great to avoid /breaking/ functionality like it is the case with keepassxc.
Hence my question: Is there or could you possibly add an option "send windows minimizing themselves to scratchpad" ?? Again I am only aiming to gracefully catch the case where like with keepassxc the program tries to hide itself!
The alternative to unbreak this, would mean that keepassxc instead of sending a minimize call, would need to send a call to swaywm specifically to move the window to scratchpad, which seems... very ugly as solution...