swaywm / sway

i3-compatible Wayland compositor
MIT License
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Reloading config crashes sway #458

Closed crondog closed 8 years ago

crondog commented 8 years ago

When I reload my config sway crashes. Here is the debug output

[main.c:41] [wlc] logind: session control granted
[main.c:41] [wlc] Running on vt 2 (fd 0)
[main.c:39] [wlc] Failed to open X11 display
[main.c:191] Starting sway version 2c43bd2 (2016-01-21, branch "master")

[config.c:210] Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to /home/crondog/.config
[config.c:239] Loading config from /home/crondog/.config/sway/config
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'set $mod Mod1'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(set) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'set $term st -e tmux'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(set) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'set $menu dmenu_run'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(set) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'output * bg ~/.config/awesome/themes/rainbow/wallpaper-149298.jpg stretch'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(output) 0
[commands.c:1280] Config stored for output * (enabled:-1) (-1 x -1 @ -1, -1) (bg /home/crondog/.config/awesome/themes/rainbow/wallpaper-149298.jpg stretch)
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'gaps edge_gaps off'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(gaps) 0
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
focus:F      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 0|name:(null)
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'gaps 50'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(gaps) 0
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
focus:F      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 0|name:(null)
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Return exec $term'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Return to command exec st -e tmux
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+a exec weston-subsurfaces'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+a to command exec weston-subsurfaces
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+a exec weston-terminal'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Ctrl+a to command exec weston-terminal
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+q to command kill
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+r exec $menu'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+r to command exec dmenu_run
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'floating_modifier $mod'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(floating_modifier) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+c to command reload
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+r to command restart
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+e to command exit
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+h focus left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+h to command focus left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+j focus down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+j to command focus down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+k focus up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+k to command focus up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+l focus right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+l to command focus right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Left focus left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Left to command focus left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Down focus down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Down to command focus down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Up focus up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Up to command focus up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Right focus right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Right to command focus right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+h move left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+h to command move left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+j move down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+j to command move down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+k move up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+k to command move up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+l move right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+l to command move right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Left to command move left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Down to command move down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Up to command move up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Right to command move right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+1 to command workspace 1
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+2 to command workspace 2
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+3 to command workspace 3
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+4 to command workspace 4
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+5 to command workspace 5
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+6 to command workspace 6
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+7 to command workspace 7
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+8 to command workspace 8
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+9 to command workspace 9
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+0 to command workspace 10
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+1 to command move container to workspace 1
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+2 to command move container to workspace 2
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+3 to command move container to workspace 3
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+4 to command move container to workspace 4
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+5 to command move container to workspace 5
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+6 to command move container to workspace 6
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+7 to command move container to workspace 7
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+8 to command move container to workspace 8
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+9 to command move container to workspace 9
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+0 to command move container to workspace 10
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+Right workspace next'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Ctrl+Right to command workspace next
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+Left workspace prev'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Ctrl+Left to command workspace prev
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+h splith'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:262] bindsym - 'Mod1+h' already exists, overwriting
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+h to command splith
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+v splitv'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+v to command splitv
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+z split toggle'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+z to command split toggle
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+s layout stacking'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+s to command layout stacking
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+w to command layout tabbed
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+e to command layout toggle split
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+m fullscreen'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+m to command fullscreen
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+space to command floating toggle
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+space to command focus mode_toggle
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+a focus parent'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+a to command focus parent
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+minus to command move scratchpad
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+minus to command scratchpad show
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+g gaps outer current set 0'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+g to command gaps outer current set 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'for_window [title="test"] floating enable'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(for_window) 0
[criteria.c:101] Parsing criteria: '[title="test"]'
[criteria.c:231] title -> /test/
[commands.c:1845] for_window: '[title="test"]' -> 'floating enable' added
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'for_window [class="chromium"] move container to workspace 3; gaps outer current set 0'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(for_window) 0
[criteria.c:101] Parsing criteria: '[class="chromium"]'
[criteria.c:231] class -> /chromium/
[commands.c:1845] for_window: '[class="chromium"]' -> 'move container to workspace 3; gaps outer current set 0' added
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bar {'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bar) 0
[commands.c:1589] Configuring bar bar-0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'swaybar_command ./sway/bin/swaybar'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(swaybar_command) 0
[commands.c:2462] Using custom swaybar command: ./sway/bin/swaybar
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'status_command ./.config/conky/conky.sh'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(status_command) 0
[commands.c:2422] Feeding bar with status command: ./.config/conky/conky.sh
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'separator_symbol " | "'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(separator_symbol) 0
[commands.c:2405] Settings separator_symbol ' | ' for bar: bar-0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'font pango:ohsnap 10'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(font) 0
[commands.c:2090] Settings font 'pango:ohsnap 10' for bar: bar-0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command '}'
[config.c:352] End of bar block
[main.c:41] [wlc] libinput: resume
[main.c:41] [wlc] Activating tty
[main.c:39] [wlc] Connector 0 is not connected or has no modes
[main.c:39] [wlc] Connector 1 is not connected or has no modes
[main.c:39] [wlc] Connector 2 is not connected or has no modes
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1200 *
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1920x1080 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1600x1200 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1280x1024 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1280x1024 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1152x864 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1280x720 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1280x720 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1280x720 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1024x768 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 1024x768 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 800x600 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 800x600 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x576 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x576 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 640x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 640x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 640x480 
[main.c:41] [wlc] MODE: (3) 720x400 
[main.c:39] [wlc] Connector 4 is not connected or has no modes
[main.c:41] [wlc] HDMI-A-2 Chose mode (0) 1920x1200
[handlers.c:153] Output 1 resolution changed to 1920 x 1200
[main.c:41] [wlc] EGL context is double buffered
[main.c:41] [wlc] EGL version: 1.4 (DRI2)
[main.c:41] [wlc] EGL vendor: Mesa Project
[main.c:41] [wlc] EGL client APIs: OpenGL OpenGL_ES OpenGL_ES2 OpenGL_ES3 
[main.c:41] [wlc] EGL context (RGB888)
[main.c:41] [wlc] GL version: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 11.1.1
[main.c:41] [wlc] GL vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center
[main.c:41] [wlc] GLES2 renderer initialized
[main.c:41] [wlc] Set new bsurface to output (1)
[container.c:91] New output 1:HDMI-A-2
[container.c:103] Matched wildcard output config for HDMI-A-2
[config.c:679] Setting background for output 0 to /home/crondog/.config/awesome/themes/rainbow/wallpaper-149298.jpg
[config.c:472] Invoking swaybar for output HDMI-A-2[0] and bar bar-0
[layout.c:57] Adding 0x179e2d0 (1, 1920.000000x1200.000000) to 0x62e7e0 (0, 0.000000x0.000000)
[workspace.c:29] Workspace: Generating new name
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: 'prev'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: 'next'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '10'
[workspace.c:79] Workspace: Found free name 10
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '1'
[workspace.c:79] Workspace: Found free name 1
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '2'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '3'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '4'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '5'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '6'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '7'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '8'
[workspace.c:51] Got valid workspace command for target: '9'
[container.c:160] Added workspace 1 for output 1
[debug_log.c:95] Setting focus to 0x179e2d0:1 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[main.c:41] [wlc] Added output (1)
[main.c:41] [wlc] become active
[input.c:42] rewritten name Power_Button
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (0:1:Power_Button)
[input.c:42] rewritten name Video_Bus
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (0:6:Video_Bus)
[input.c:42] rewritten name Power_Button
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (0:1:Power_Button)
[input.c:42] rewritten name ASUS_ROG_GLADIUS
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (2821:6170:ASUS_ROG_GL)
[input.c:42] rewritten name ASUS_ROG_GLADIUS
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (2821:6170:ASUS_ROG_GL)
[input.c:42] rewritten name Yubico_Yubico_Yubikey_II
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (4176:16:Yubico_Yubico_Yubikey)
[input.c:42] rewritten name Metadot_-_Das_Keyboard_Das_Keyboard
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (9456:320:Metadot_-_Das_Keyboard_Das_Keyb)
[input.c:42] rewritten name Metadot_-_Das_Keyboard_Das_Keyboard
[handlers.c:38] Found input device (9456:320:Metadot_-_Das_Keyboard_Das_Keyb)
Using output 0 of 1
[ipc-server.c:120] Event on IPC listening socket
[ipc-server.c:120] Event on IPC listening socket
Fontconfig error: "/home/crondog/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf", line 8: invalid attribute 'mode'
[extensions.c:87] Setting surface 0x17856e0 as panel for output 1 (wl_resource: 0x178fa60)
[extensions.c:20] Creating panel config for resource 0x178fa60
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 0x0, position: 0
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 50.000000, 50.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1820|h:1100|x:  50|y:  50|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[extensions.c:16] Found existing panel config for resource 0x178fa60
[extensions.c:139] Panel position for wl_resource 0x178fa60 changed 0 => 1
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1820.000000x1100.000000+50.000000,50.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 0x0, position: 1
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 50.000000, 50.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1820|h:1100|x:  50|y:  50|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[extensions.c:72] Setting surface 0x1106150 as background for output 1
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1820.000000x1100.000000+50.000000,50.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 1920x19, position: 1
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 50.000000, 50.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1820|h:1081|x:  50|y:  50|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[main.c:41] [wlc] Xwayland started (DISPLAY :1)
[main.c:41] [wlc] xfixes (5.0)
[handlers.c:654] Compositor is ready, executing cmds in queue
[commands.c:2826] Handling command 'reload'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(reload) 0
[config.c:239] Loading config from /home/crondog/.config/sway/config
[config.c:274] Performing configuration file reload
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'set $mod Mod1'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(set) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'set $term st -e tmux'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(set) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'set $menu dmenu_run'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(set) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'output * bg ~/.config/awesome/themes/rainbow/wallpaper-149298.jpg stretch'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(output) 0
[commands.c:1280] Config stored for output * (enabled:-1) (-1 x -1 @ -1, -1) (bg /home/crondog/.config/awesome/themes/rainbow/wallpaper-149298.jpg stretch)
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'gaps edge_gaps off'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(gaps) 0
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1820.000000x1081.000000+50.000000,50.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 1920x19, position: 1
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1920|h:1181|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'gaps 50'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(gaps) 0
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1920.000000x1181.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 1920x19, position: 1
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 50.000000, 50.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1820|h:1081|x:  50|y:  50|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Return exec $term'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Return to command exec st -e tmux
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+a exec weston-subsurfaces'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+a to command exec weston-subsurfaces
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+a exec weston-terminal'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Ctrl+a to command exec weston-terminal
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+q to command kill
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+r exec $menu'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+r to command exec dmenu_run
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'floating_modifier $mod'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(floating_modifier) 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+c to command reload
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+r to command restart
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+e to command exit
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+h focus left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+h to command focus left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+j focus down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+j to command focus down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+k focus up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+k to command focus up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+l focus right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+l to command focus right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Left focus left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Left to command focus left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Down focus down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Down to command focus down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Up focus up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Up to command focus up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Right focus right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Right to command focus right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+h move left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+h to command move left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+j move down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+j to command move down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+k move up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+k to command move up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+l move right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+l to command move right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Left to command move left
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Down to command move down
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Up to command move up
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+Right to command move right
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+1 to command workspace 1
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+2 to command workspace 2
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+3 to command workspace 3
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+4 to command workspace 4
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+5 to command workspace 5
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+6 to command workspace 6
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+7 to command workspace 7
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+8 to command workspace 8
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+9 to command workspace 9
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+0 to command workspace 10
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+1 to command move container to workspace 1
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+2 to command move container to workspace 2
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+3 to command move container to workspace 3
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+4 to command move container to workspace 4
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+5 to command move container to workspace 5
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+6 to command move container to workspace 6
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+7 to command move container to workspace 7
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+8 to command move container to workspace 8
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+9 to command move container to workspace 9
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+0 to command move container to workspace 10
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+Right workspace next'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Ctrl+Right to command workspace next
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+Left workspace prev'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Ctrl+Left to command workspace prev
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+h splith'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:262] bindsym - 'Mod1+h' already exists, overwriting
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+h to command splith
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+v splitv'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+v to command splitv
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+z split toggle'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+z to command split toggle
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+s layout stacking'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+s to command layout stacking
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+w to command layout tabbed
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+e to command layout toggle split
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+m fullscreen'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+m to command fullscreen
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+space to command floating toggle
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+space to command focus mode_toggle
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+a focus parent'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+a to command focus parent
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+Shift+minus to command move scratchpad
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+minus to command scratchpad show
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bindsym $mod+g gaps outer current set 0'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bindsym) 0
[commands.c:271] bindsym - Bound Mod1+g to command gaps outer current set 0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'for_window [title="test"] floating enable'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(for_window) 0
[criteria.c:101] Parsing criteria: '[title="test"]'
[criteria.c:231] title -> /test/
[commands.c:1845] for_window: '[title="test"]' -> 'floating enable' added
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'for_window [class="chromium"] move container to workspace 3; gaps outer current set 0'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(for_window) 0
[criteria.c:101] Parsing criteria: '[class="chromium"]'
[criteria.c:231] class -> /chromium/
[commands.c:1845] for_window: '[class="chromium"]' -> 'move container to workspace 3; gaps outer current set 0' added
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'bar {'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(bar) 0
[commands.c:1589] Configuring bar bar-0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'swaybar_command ./sway/bin/swaybar'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(swaybar_command) 0
[commands.c:2462] Using custom swaybar command: ./sway/bin/swaybar
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'status_command ./.config/conky/conky.sh'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(status_command) 0
[commands.c:2422] Feeding bar with status command: ./.config/conky/conky.sh
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'separator_symbol " | "'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(separator_symbol) 0
[commands.c:2405] Settings separator_symbol ' | ' for bar: bar-0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command 'font pango:ohsnap 10'
[commands.c:2751] find_handler(font) 0
[commands.c:2090] Settings font 'pango:ohsnap 10' for bar: bar-0
[commands.c:2882] handling config command '}'
[config.c:352] End of bar block
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1820.000000x1081.000000+50.000000,50.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 1920x19, position: 1
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 50.000000, 50.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1820|h:1081|x:  50|y:  50|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[config.c:472] Invoking swaybar for output HDMI-A-2[0] and bar bar-0
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (ROOT '(null)')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x62e7e0 (null) 0.000000x0.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[layout.c:453] Arranging output 'HDMI-A-2' at 0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 (OUTPUT 'HDMI-A-2')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x179e2d0 HDMI-A-2 1920.000000x1200.000000+0.000000,0.000000
[debug_log.c:95] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 (WORKSPACE '1')
[layout.c:446] Arranging layout for 0x178a060 1 1820.000000x1081.000000+50.000000,50.000000
[layout.c:485] -> Found panel for this workspace: 1920x19, position: 1
[layout.c:507] Arranging workspace '1' at 50.000000, 50.000000
focus:R      |(0x62e7e0)(p:(nil)   )(f:0x179e2d0)(h:-1)Type:root|layout:-    |w:   0|h:   0|x:   0|y:   0|g:  0|vis:t|children: 1|name:(null)
|focus:X     |(0x179e2d0)(p:0x62e7e0)(f:0x178a060)(h: 1)Type:op  |layout:-    |w:1920|h:1200|x:   0|y:   0|g: -1|vis:t|children: 1|name:HDMI-A-2
|-focus:K    |(0x178a060)(p:0x179e2d0)(f:(nil)   )(h:-1)Type:ws  |layout:Horiz|w:1820|h:1081|x:  50|y:  50|g: -1|vis:t|children: 0|name:1
[main.c:41] [wlc] Parent exit (15569)
[main.c:41] [wlc] Restoring vt 2 (0x4) (fd 0)
[registry.c:225] Error opening display
[log.c:146] Error: Signal 11. Printing backtrace
[log.c:156] Backtrace: ./sway/bin/swaybar(error_handler+0xae) [0x408ea0]
[log.c:156] Backtrace: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x33680) [0x7fd886efb680]
[log.c:156] Backtrace: ./sway/bin/swaybar(main+0x13f) [0x407dc7]
[log.c:156] Backtrace: /usr/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf0) [0x7fd886ee8610]
[log.c:156] Backtrace: ./sway/bin/swaybar(_start+0x29) [0x404549]

0x407dc7 == swaybar/main.c:1243

If I remove swaybar from my config it does not crash

crondog commented 8 years ago

A little more info. It only happens with i3status and conky. Using the inbuilt status command works ok...