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ipythonblocks install instructions are missing #486

Closed gdevenyi closed 8 years ago

gdevenyi commented 10 years ago

Default python installs don't have ipythonblocks, but they're required for the ipython lessons.

I don't see anywhere in the install instructions where ipythonblocks are installed.

gdevenyi commented 10 years ago

So, I think the install instructions are: pip install ipythonblocks

This could be included as an aside somewhere in the python lessons, explaining how other packages are installed?

rgaiacs commented 10 years ago

@gdevenyi Thanks to notice that. Mix distro package manage intallation of Python packages and pip can be a little problematic and for Windows, AFAIK, you will need the newest version (that already include pip) or you will need to install it before.

Another "problem" is that we recommend Anaconda and it has its own package manager named conda: http://www.continuum.io/blog/conda.

karinlag commented 10 years ago

@gdevenyi @r-gaia-cs Does the pip install work on all os-es? And how/where would I ask them to do this?

I am teaching this stuff next week...

ethanwhite commented 10 years ago

Mix distro package manage installation of Python packages and pip can be a little problematic and for Windows, AFAIK, you will need the newest version (that already include pip) or you will need to install it before.

Another "problem" is that we recommend Anaconda and it has its own package manager named conda

conda plays fine with pip, so this shouldn't be an issue I don't think. Anaconda also installs pip and setuptools. So, as long as folks are using the recommended Anaconda installs I don't think these are a concern.

@gdevenyi @r-gaia-cs Does the pip install work on all os-es? And how/where would I ask them to do this?

Yes, as long it is installed and the Python Scripts folder is on the path. This is run from the command line.

jiffyclub commented 10 years ago

On a class-by-class basis it's possible to copy ipythonblocks.py into your class repo wherever it will be used.

katyhuff commented 10 years ago

Note that @ivanov is adding this to the trainingwheels goals https://github.com/ivanov/ipython-trainingwheels/issues/25 .

ethanwhite commented 9 years ago

Thanks again for pointing this out @gdevenyi!

Having thought a bit about the various options my feeling is that the best idea is to add a brief description of how to install this in the Python lecture right at the point that they start using IPython blocks. I think we should add both the pip instructions and then state that if this doesn't work they can just download ipythonblocks.py as @jiffyclub mentions. If folks have installed Anaconda as their default Python pip should work fine and if not we have the direct download instructions as a backup.

@gdevenyi - Would you be up for submitting a PR with the relevant changes to the beginning of novice/python/04-cond.html?

apawlik commented 9 years ago

Please note that: "The "conda pip" command has been removed from conda (as of version 1.8)". In SWC VM (which includes conda) pip install ipythonblocks ends up with an error could not create '/home/swc/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipythonblocks': Permission denied And sudo pip install ends up with sudo: pip: command not found. Maybe I'm using the old VM image but if not, maybe the image could be updated and include ipythonblocks?

gvwilson commented 9 years ago

@jiffyclub if you have time, can you please look at this? And should we create a separate swcarpentry/something-or-other project for managing the VM, just as we have one for managing the Windows installer?

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

I've updated the VM, it was time to upgrade to the latest lubuntu and Anaconda anyway. I've also fixed the ownership of the anaconda directory that was causing the permissions errors @apawlik saw. ipythonblocks is now installed as well. I'll upload the new image later today.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to make a repo for the VM setup, that way it might be easier for other people to contribute or set up their own VMs. Right now I use a combination of manually typing commands and provisioning with Puppet using this manifest: https://gist.github.com/jiffyclub/5512074.

gvwilson commented 9 years ago

Want me to call it swcarpentry/ubuntu-vm ?

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

I make our VMs with lubuntu, but in theory it could work on most any Linux variant that Puppet understands. So maybe linux-vm?

gvwilson commented 9 years ago

Shall do.

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

Here's the link to the updated VM: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4Kr6DYkzkQtSTZLQzF4aVB4NDQ&authuser=0. I'm not sure where we store the link to that or I'd double check that it's correct.

ethanwhite commented 9 years ago

We also still need a PR to put the installation instructions at the beginning of novice/python/04-cond.html if anyone has a few minutes.