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[meta] Markdown and IPython Notebook using different heading level #546

Closed rgaiacs closed 10 years ago

rgaiacs commented 10 years ago

When writing subsections title at Markdown lessons we are using the forth heading level and when writing subsections title at IPython Notebook lessons we are using the third heading level.

Could we change the Markdown lessons to use the third heading level since the forth heading level is used for "Objectives", "Key Points" and "Challenges"?

Markdown Samples

$ grep -C 2 'Ignoring Things' novice/git/01-backup.md
moving backward and forward in time becomes much easier.

#### Ignoring Things

What if we have files that we do not want Git to track for us,
$ grep -C 2 'Licensing' novice/git/04-open.md
about what exactly "open" means in practice.

#### Licensing

The first question is licensing.

IPython Notebook Samples

$ grep -C 2 'Manipulating Data' novice/python/01-numpy.md

### Manipulating Data

$ grep -C 2 'Debugging a Function' novice/python/02-func.md

### Debugging a Function