swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

DEPRECATED: This repository is now frozen - please see individual lesson repositories.
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Add new lesson novice/r/rstudio/git #588

Closed sjackman closed 9 years ago

sjackman commented 10 years ago

See #492

jdblischak commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the contribution, @sjackman. Some thoughts:

jdblischak commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reviews, @jennybc and @naupaka.

@sjackman, will you have time to work on this and #589 soon? We're working on breaking up the bc repo (see #759 and Greg's blog post). If you don't currently have the time, we can close these for now and you can resubmit to the appropriate lesson repository.

jennybc commented 9 years ago

We actually have a much more comprehensive set of instructions now, due to teaching a UBC grad course together. Both @sjackman and @BernhardKonrad have worked with me to make this:


@BernhardKonrad has said he will turn it into a PR for SWC.

jdblischak commented 9 years ago

OK. Great. Though once we are done breaking up the bc repo, this probably won't need to be a PR. Instead these lessons could be spun out into their own separate repo that instructors could then use for teaching version control via RStudio in their bootcamps. But we can talk logistics more once the new workflow is established.