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Challenge Question 1 in v5 Novice Python (modify y-axis) #660

Closed chendaniely closed 7 years ago

chendaniely commented 9 years ago

The question asks students to

Modify the y-axis on the minimum inflammation per day plot to range from 0 to 6 so that you can see the entire range of the data.

The solution I used/found was:

plt.plot(min_per_time); plt.axis((0.0, 39.0, 0.0, 6.0))

the double parenthesis (passing in a tuple) or list is extremely confusing for novices at this point of the lesson, as it introduces a data structure they have not seen at that point in the lesson.

This was my experience from teaching at washu last week.

mollygibson commented 9 years ago

This is actually a question that is just in the washu repository, not here. It was replacing a question that everyone found confusing the last time I taught this at LBNL.

I found that manipulating the plots at this point in the lessons, especially the axis, was the first thing that everyone really wanted to be able to do so I thought we should give it a try, but I agree your point is valid and we ran into that challenge as well so it won't be pushed back to the main bc repo.

chendaniely commented 9 years ago

The original question:

Why do all of our plots stop just short of the upper end of our graph? Why are the vertical lines in our plot of the minimum inflammation per day not vertical?

What is the answer for this?