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Remove description of strides from novice Python 01 #682

Closed ethanwhite closed 9 years ago

ethanwhite commented 9 years ago

The current section on slicing is already relatively long. Since we don't use strides anywhere else in the novice Python material this removes them to avoid overwhelming the students with too much detail too early.

jdblischak commented 9 years ago

@ethanwhite, could you please also regenerate novice/python/01-numpy.md by running make ipynb?

In general, I am in favor of removing material that is not essential for later in the lesson. The novice lessons contain a lot of content.

ethanwhite commented 9 years ago

Done. I also made the same change to #683.

Is it normal for the markdown file to get substantially re-written in this process? There's a lot more diff than I expected.

jdblischak commented 9 years ago

Is it normal for the markdown file to get substantially re-written in this process? There's a lot more diff than I expected.

I don't have much experience with creating the Markdown from ipynb notebooks (I am usually running make rmd). What appears to have happened is that when you ran make ipynb all the <p> tags were written on one line. Before they spanned multiple lines, e.g. see the raw original and new versions. I'm not sure what would cause this.

gvwilson commented 9 years ago

The Markdown shouldn't change significantly, unless there have been changes to templates, or to IPython, both of which are possible. This is part of why I started the discussion (that went off the rails) about whether we should use Plain Old Markdown for our notes (to simplify diffing and merging, and minimize diffs). I'm going to re-start that discussion...

ethanwhite commented 9 years ago

Sounds good.

Since #683 has already gone in the major changes driven by whatever the differences are (I'm running IPython 2.1) have already gone in to the .md file, which is also preventing this from being auto-merged. Let's review this one on it's merits and then I can reroll if we want it to go in.

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

Is it normal for the markdown file to get substantially re-written in this process? There's a lot more diff than I expected.

This happens due my mistake when I change template used by IPython Notebook. I hope this was fix by #652 (waiting review).

ethanwhite commented 9 years ago

This has been re-rolled as #692.