swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

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Translation of lesson on writing command-line programs from Python to R #701

Closed jdblischak closed 9 years ago

jdblischak commented 9 years ago

I have translated the Python lesson on Command-Line Programs to R. It is ready for review. To properly compare these lessons, you'll need to locally build the R lesson, which you can accomplish by running the code below:

# clone bc repo
git clone git@github.com:swcarpentry/bc.git
# create and switch to new branch
git checkout -b review-pr
# add remote
git remote add jdb git@github.com:jdblischak/bc.git
# pull changes from my branch
git pull jdb 06-cmdline
# build site locally
make site

Then compare the rendered files _site/novice/r/06-cmdline.html and _site/novice/python/06-cmdline.html.

The main translations involve: