swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

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Proposed changes to the shell directories lesson (assignment) #840

Closed tpoisot closed 9 years ago

tpoisot commented 9 years ago

Knowing how to use cd - is a time saver when moving across two or more directories, so I added that + a question to the lesson. I also added two useful shortcuts (cd and cd ~).

gdevenyi commented 9 years ago

bc repo is being split. Please resubmit to https://github.com/wking/swc-modular-shell

tpoisot commented 9 years ago

ok... @gvwilson , can you give more infos about where we should make the PRs for the various assignments?

gdevenyi commented 9 years ago

bc repo is being split. Please resubmit to https://github.com/wking/swc-modular-shell

wking commented 9 years ago

On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 06:45:03PM -0800, Timothée Poisot wrote:

M novice/shell/01-filedir.md (96)

The novice shell stuff has been split out into its own repository (#759, #829). Can you submit this pull request against wking/swc-modular-shell 1? Alternatively, you can wait until we've finished cleaning up the novice/shell history and one of the maintainers or I can port the pull request over to the new repository.

tpoisot commented 9 years ago

OK, I made a PR there.