swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

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Changed pull request info #843

Closed IanHenry closed 9 years ago

wking commented 9 years ago

On Fri, Nov 07, 2014 at 06:53:58AM -0800, Ian Henry wrote:

  • Changed pull request info

Looks good to me.

wking commented 9 years ago

Actually, I think it would be better to merge #844, and then merge master in gh-pages.

IanHenry commented 9 years ago

That sounds good to me

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

@IanHenry Thanks for this fix.

I want to avoid the commit 0f8b72a. Could you

$ git checkout 0f8b72a
$ git branch -f gh-pages
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git rebase source/gh-pages
$ git push -f origin gh-pages

If you need some help with this commands please let me know.

IanHenry commented 9 years ago

OK I've done what you asked so hopefully its OK now :)

Was the problem with the extra commit caused because I didn't update my fork correctly, and is there a better way to do it in that case?

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

OK I've done what you asked so hopefully its OK now :)

Thanks very much.

Was the problem with the extra commit caused because I didn't update my fork correctly

You are using your "master" branch also as your feature branch and when you update your fork you will need the extra commit.

and is there a better way to do it in that case?

Following the example from Pro Git v2 we prefer the fast-forward merge (see "master is fast-forwarded to hotfix" at the previous link) but sometimes this isn't possible (see "A merge commit" at the previous link). Some projects prefer avoid "merge commits" and others don't (the case when you use GitHub pull request feature) but is a little annoying to have "merge commits" in a pull request. If you want to update your fork and also update your feature branch I recommend to you do:

$ git fetch swcarpentry
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git merge swcarpentry/gh-pages
$ git checkout feature-branch
$ git rebase gh-pages
$ git push -f origin gh-pages feature-branch
rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

@IanHenry I'm closing this in favor of #847. Please note that I merged #844.