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Added a Next Workflow on the git section pages #850

Closed olafleur closed 9 years ago

olafleur commented 9 years ago

I figured that it would be easier for the instructors to navigate in the workshop content if there was a Next page link at the bottom of each page.

I just did it for the git section pages. If you tell me that it's useful, I'll do it for every section.

Also, I don't know much about Jekyll, but : 1) Is there a way to right align this without HTML? (If not, I guess that I'll do it with HTML) 2) Maybe it would be worth it to add a previous link also, what do you think? 3) Finally, if there's a way to automatically generate the link from the neighboorhod pages, that would be cool (so that if the title of the page change, the link would change automatically). But I don't know if it's feasible.

Tell me what you think !

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

@olafleur Thanks for this. We try to address this before (#214 and #384) but with the spit of bc repo (#759) and migrate from Jekyll to Pandoc we are starting to think about it again (#835).

I just did it for the git section pages. If you tell me that it's useful, I'll do it for every section.

Could you add your suggestion on #835?

1) Is there a way to right align this without HTML? (If not, I guess that I'll do it with HTML)


2) Maybe it would be worth it to add a previous link also, what do you think?


3) Finally, if there's a way to automatically generate the link from the neighboorhod pages, that would be cool (so that if the title of the page change, the link would change automatically). But I don't know if it's feasible.

I didn't find one way to do it with Jekyll (see #384) neither with Pandoc. Since the name of each topic file at our lessons has the pattern [0-9]{2}-.*\.md we can use one script to get the file name and pass it to Pandoc as a variable.

olafleur commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure of which suggestion you're talking about.

835 seems fairly complete to me (didn't see it, sorry about that).

I guess I'll look into Pandoc to see how it works. ;-)

Should we close this issue, then?

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

Should we close this issue, then?
