swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

DEPRECATED: This repository is now frozen - please see individual lesson repositories.
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more accurate account of bash wildcard expansion (when nothing matches) #856

Closed jttkim closed 7 years ago

jttkim commented 9 years ago

An epsilon size step for SWC but the last step for me to join the instructors.

In addition to the change in part 04 of the shell section I also changed the introduction of wildcards in part 03, didn't anticipate this when creating the branch name, sorry.

Thanks to @vahtras for solving the jekyll issue, I faced the same issue when trying make site and make check, but it all runs sucessfully now.

vahtras commented 9 years ago

You're welcome!

wking commented 9 years ago

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 03:46:49AM -0800, Jan T. Kim wrote:

M novice/shell/03-pipefilter.md (12)
M novice/shell/04-loop.md (14)

The novice shell stuff is being split out into its own repository (#834, #812), so we've frozen novice/shell development in bc. Could you re-open this pull request against 1?

gvwilson commented 7 years ago

This repository has been retired.