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Correcting images to match text description in 01-filedir.md file #873

Closed shlake closed 9 years ago

shlake commented 9 years ago

The two images home-directories (png, odg, svg) and homedir (odg, svg) had directory labels that were not consistent with the text in the file 01-filedir.md.

Here's an example from the lesson (shell: files & directories), for home-directories and the mis-match between /users/larry & /users/imhotep (image shows /users/dru & /users/gorgon):

screen shot 2014-11-18 at 4 52 53 pm

I corrected the odg file for both images (home-directories & homedir), and exported to png and svg, and uploaded all versions (odg, png, svg) for the pull request. homedir.png is a new file as this image did not have a corresponding png file like the others in this directory.

Another way I could have made the images and text match, would have been to edit the 01-filedir.md file (correct all the instances that were mis-matched), kept the image files as is, and sent a pull request for the markdown file.

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

@shlake Thanks for this. Could you reopen this PR against https://github.com/wking/swc-modular-shell and close this after doing that?

@gdevenyi and @ChristinaLK I like to ask to only keep the *.odg and .svg at the repo.

shlake commented 9 years ago

Did PR against above repo and am closing.