swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

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added section on python community standards #894

Closed gregcaporaso closed 9 years ago

gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

Submitted as part of my final assignment for the Instructor training 11 course.

I think this is very useful information for new python developers, to make them aware of these types of coding and documentation standards as they begin developing their own software. Even if students don't end up being python developers, it's useful for them to know that these types of standards exist so they can try to track them down for their programming language of choice.

If you agree that this is useful information to include in the lessons, I'm happy to relocate, expand/reduce, etc to make it fit best with the existing lessons.

gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the good suggestions @aaren. I'm happy to make these changes if you guys think this would be good additional content (i.e., if there aren't plans to ultimately merge this pull request in some form or another, I won't put more time into it now). Let me know what you think about that.

gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

Also, note I put a screencast together here discussing these topics.

aaren commented 9 years ago

@gregcaporaso I think you meant @arokem :)

gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

yes, that's right. Sorry for the confusion. @arokem, who would be the person to decide if this is ultimately something that swcarpentry would like to include in the lessons?

gvwilson commented 9 years ago

Me, and yes :-)

gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

Ok, great. I'll make the suggested changes this week. Thanks!

Sent from my phone, please excuse typos and brevity. On Nov 30, 2014 12:55 PM, "Greg Wilson" notifications@github.com wrote:

Me, and yes :-)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/swcarpentry/bc/pull/894#issuecomment-64997675.

gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

My last push addresses all of @arokem's comments, and merges master. I'm not sure why all of files are showing up as updated in this PR though - my only changes were to novice/ref/03-python.md.

@gvwilson, do you want me to close this pull request and open another that contains only the changes in novice/ref/03-python.md?

gvwilson commented 9 years ago

@gvwilson https://github.com/gvwilson, do you want me to close this pull request and open another that contains only the changes in |novice/ref/03-python.md|? Yes please.

arokem commented 9 years ago


gregcaporaso commented 9 years ago

closed in favor of #930