swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

DEPRECATED: This repository is now frozen - please see individual lesson repositories.
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Git instructor training #913

Closed anjakefala closed 9 years ago

anjakefala commented 9 years ago

Added a note in novice/git/collab about how "git pull" is a summary command of "git fetch" and "git merge".

rgaiacs commented 9 years ago

@damedebugger Thanks for this. I don't know why this pull request has commits about MATLAB. Could you

$ git add remote swcarpentry git@github.com:swcarpentry/bc.git
$ git fetch swcarpentry
$ git checkout swcarpentry/gh-pages
$ git cherry-pick 1a7dce5
$ git cherry-pick 3be81aa
$ git branch -f git-instructor-training
$ git checkout git-instructor-training
$ git push -f origin git-instructor-training

What this commands do is get the last changes from https://github.com/swcarpentry/bc/, copy yours commit to after the last changes from https://github.com/swcarpentry/bc/ and update the pull request.

I didn't understand why you close this PR.

anjakefala commented 9 years ago

Oh! Thanks! I'll make the edits. My issue was that I didn't know how to update pull requests and I made another fix. Instead of updating the pull request (I didn't know you could) I closed this one and opened another one....Which is messy. It's here: https://github.com/swcarpentry/bc/pull/914 I will make the changes you requested and attempt to update it there.

This is my first collab on Github. Thank you for your patience. : )

anjakefala commented 9 years ago

I typed in the above commands and pushed. Does the pull request update automatically?

jiffyclub commented 9 years ago

Pull requests do update automatically when you change the branch you want to merge!

Unfortunately, we just got the novice git material separated out into its own repo so we aren't making further changes to the git material in the bc repo. These changes need to go in the git-novice repo. Can you make your changes again there and open a new PR? Thanks!

anjakefala commented 9 years ago

Ah! Sorry for the mess then. Thanks for the help. I will update there. : )