swcarpentry / DEPRECATED-bc

DEPRECATED: This repository is now frozen - please see individual lesson repositories.
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Protocol for version releases #920

Closed dlebauer closed 7 years ago

dlebauer commented 9 years ago

I noticed that the README said the repository would be reorganized by the end of November, but could not find any clear information in the commit history, emails, or issues about the status of this effort. So I submitted #921 to update the target date. Here I suggest a standardized protocol for grouping issues into milestones and releasing versions that I believe would help to keep the issue list organized ... It would also support the teaching mission and serve as an example that can be adapted for other software projects.

For an example of this implementation, see the shameless plug for our software, PEcAn, in which each release is associated with a git tag, release notes, and doi (via zenodo hook). These can then be tweeted, emailed, and otherwise announced. Here is an adapted protocol based on one of ours.

gvwilson commented 7 years ago

We now have a protocol for lesson releases.