swcarpentry / assessment

Assessment materials for Software Carpentry
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Potential assessment tool from Olmstead and Turpen #12

Open wking opened 8 years ago

wking commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure this is the right place to contact the assessment subcommittee, but we don't seem to have an assessment@ list anymore. Anyhow, Alice Olmstead and Chandra Turpen's “"I got in trouble": A case study of faculty "doing school" during professional development“ landed in my inbox yesterday, and this caught my eye:

We videotaped three iterations of the NFW, and the first author coded about half of the teaching-focused sessions from one iteration (partly during the workshop, partly from video) using a workshop observation tool that we are currently developing.

I know we've used coded interviews and screencasts in past assessments (see Jorge Aranda's 2012-07-04 SWC assessment, which used to be in swcarpentry/assets, but that repo is gone and I'm not sure where Jorge's report is kept now). I feel like there was another report using coded interviews, but I can't drag up a reference. Anyway, I think that coding session videos would be a useful addition to our current pre- and post-surveys, even if we just follow the current NSA-style approach of recording and archiving but not formally analyzing the survey results (#8). And if there are existing tools to help with that sort of coding (Olmstead and Turpen link to a few other existing tools as well), that would make analyzing the videos a lot easier.

gvwilson commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the pointer - how did you come across this? Jorge's report is in bib/aranda-assessment-2012-07.pdf in the 'site' repo (linked from http://software-carpentry.org/bib/reading.html). Coding would be great, but is very labor-intensive - as with many other aspects of assessment, what we need most is a grad student and three years :-)

wking commented 8 years ago

On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 11:00:18PM -0800, Greg Wilson wrote:

Thanks for the pointer - how did you come across this?

I follow 1 with my RSS/Atom feed-reader 2.

Coding would be great, but is very labor-intensive - as with many other aspects of assessment, what we need most is a grad student and three years :-)

Coding is expensive, but recording and archiving samples of student activity should be cheap. Then the future grad student would have an existing data-set right out of the gate.