swcarpentry / assessment

Assessment materials for Software Carpentry
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Who is analyzing assessment results? #8

Open xuf12 opened 8 years ago

xuf12 commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

Sorry if someone has already answered this question before. I can't find the answer after a few searches.

Who is responsible for analyzing the assessment results from each workshop? I'd like to look at results from a recent workshop I taught in New York, but instructors don't seem to have default access to the answers. I already asked Maneesha to grant me access. Not sure how many instructors have such needs though.


maneesha commented 8 years ago

Hi @xuf12 I'm really glad you brought this up. I'm responding to you personally but I also wanted to share this with the group. I've been with SWC for less than two months so I can't speak to the history - but here's what I've been doing. I give instructors access to view pre and post workshop survey results usually by default. Sometimes I may miss checking that box but if they ask I'll always get it for them.

The other issue here is whether learners actually complete the surveys. If SWC helps manage student registration, I can also make sure students get links to the surveys. If student registration is managed by the host (as sometimes is, because of internal protocols or privacy guidelines), I share the link with the host but depend on them to share it with the learners.

As far as analyzing them afterwards, I think that's something we could be doing a lot better. I'd love to hear from instructors what they'd like to learn from the surveys to help us guide this process.

The assessment committee is actively working on some of this, and I think others can probably share more about this too.