swcarpentry / hpc-novice

Novice introduction to high performance computing
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Reference: already existing carpentry-like hpc-novice-like lessons #27

Open ChristinaLK opened 7 years ago

ChristinaLK commented 7 years ago

If you come across any carpentry-like training materials for a cluster/distributed system, please put them here.

ChristinaLK commented 7 years ago

@psteinb : hpc in a day https://github.com/psteinb/hpc-in-a-day/

OSG Connect training: https://osgconnect.github.io/osg-ahm-17/

@shwina, @dbrunson, I know you all have some lessons but I couldn't find them -- please add. :)

dbrunson commented 7 years ago

Materials used in our undergrad class: https://github.com/OSU-HPCC/hpc-lessons

We have a few other things scattered about but these are the most recent. @pdoehle is continuing to refine them.

shwina commented 7 years ago


jduckles commented 7 years ago

There is some material from U Colorado in #13

ChristinaLK commented 7 years ago

To add to @jduckles comment, @knuths, do you have any links to your training that you can share?

knuths commented 7 years ago

Thanks - here's the Github location for all our talks. We'll be adding material for a workshop we are holding July 20-21, 2017 shortly. https://github.com/ResearchComputing/Final_Tutorials/tree/master/General_Computing_Topics/Basics_Supercomputing

ChristinaLK commented 7 years ago

Thanks @knuths!

r4space commented 7 years ago

Rob Quick and Kyle Ross of IU have made some really good stuff here that they've been teaching for a while now but just recently ported to github https://opensciencegrid.github.io/dosar/Materials/Materials/

VictorEijkhout commented 7 years ago

HPC in general -- theory and tutorials -- & parallel programming in MPI/OMP: http://pages.tacc.utexas.edu/~eijkhout/istc/istc.html

aaronweeden commented 7 years ago

We hold an annual two-week training institute for the Blue Waters interns. These undergraduate students will be doing research in a variety of domains, have basic computing and programming backgrounds, but most have never used a cluster before. Our curriculum is here: http://shodor.org/petascale/workshops/

dbrunson commented 7 years ago

Our best offering is our pdf version (right now) of a new user tutorial: https://hpcc.okstate.edu/sites/default/files/New%20User%20Tutorial.pdf

The html version has a lot of page clicking that I'm leaning toward changing to be more like the pdf.

devbioinfoguy commented 7 years ago

HPC in 1 hr for a Data Carpentry Genomics workshop: https://github.com/fasrc/DataC-HPC-genomics/blob/master/lessons/0.HPC-introduction.md

dbrunson commented 7 years ago

That's very nice @devbioinfoguy ! Very clear and to the point.

ChristinaLK commented 7 years ago


baberlevi commented 7 years ago

I am interested in collaborating, and contributing our materials. I am dumping a list here of our materials, I'll work on actively integrating this with your repo & sending PR's.

https://github.com/ResearchIT/linux-training https://github.com/ResearchIT/Workshops https://researchit.las.iastate.edu/search/content?f%5B0%5D=im_field_category%3A8&retain-filters=1 https://researchit.las.iastate.edu/video

Colleagues' materials: https://www.gitbook.com/book/isugenomics/bioinformatics-workbook/details http://gif.biotech.iastate.edu/tutorials https://github.com/EEOB-BioData/ https://www.hpc.iastate.edu/guides