swcarpentry / python-novice-gapminder

Plotting and Programming in Python
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Proposal and comments: plotting data #426

Open zyzhang1992 opened 5 years ago

zyzhang1992 commented 5 years ago

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This is a great lesson for plotting. Plotting is an essential part of using python for data analytics and yet a difficult topics to learn without a good tutorial. The workshop is a great asset for people who want to learn the essentials and rich and extended capabilities of plotting in python.

The current workshop materials cover extensively on coding practices and grammar in python. On the actual plotting, there are only one or more short sessions in the workshop that are directly related to plotting itself. Would it be possible to remove some of the topics on python essentials and focus more on the plotting aspects of python? Some of the python essentials may already have been covered in a different carpentry workshop. There is in general a lack of learning/training materials on plotting.

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Please keep in mind that lesson maintainers are volunteers and it may be some time before they can respond to your contribution. Although not all contributions can be incorporated into the lesson materials, we appreciate your time and effort to improve the curriculum. If you have any questions about the lesson maintenance process or would like to volunteer your time as a contribution reviewer, please contact The Carpentries Team at team@carpentries.org.

alex-pakalniskis commented 4 years ago

Hi Carpentries Community. I second zyzhang1992's sentiments about incorporating more applied plotting activities. I'm a new community member and was a bit surprised at the number of plotting-specific episodes in this lesson. Would it be possible to modify existing episodes (such as "12. For Loops", "14. Writing Functions", or "17. Conditionals") to produce plots/visualizations as outputs? While I don't advocate for information/conceptual overload, it might be beneficial for workshop participants to gain experience applying various Python concepts to the act of plotting. Thanks and I look forward to on-going discussions.

vahtras commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your valuable comments. I believe that this lesson is meant to be an alternative to python-novice-inflammation, so we can not remove Python essentials, but there would certainly be room for improvement on the application of plotting without overloading the learners.