swcarpentry / python-novice-inflammation

Programming with Python
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Colormaps in Python #439

Open temuller opened 6 years ago

temuller commented 6 years ago

I think it would be useful to put some more information about the different colormaps there are in Python or at least a link like https://matplotlib.org/users/colormaps.html to have where to read this. I also think it is important to highlight that there are some colormaps that are design to work with colorblind people. This last point is very important, specially if you are using colors in a plot in your publication.

miili commented 6 years ago

hi there,

this could rather be part of the sequal session https://github.com/swcarpentry/python-novice-gapminder as this lesson is more beginner oriented.

annefou commented 6 years ago

Choosing colorblind friendly colormaps is indeed very important and probably not enough highlighted. The focus of this lesson is on the python language and we don't put much emphasis on plotting. @miili is pointing to the novice gapminder lesson where plotting takes a more important part but do you have any inputs on where we could add such information in the novice inflammation lesson?