swcarpentry / python-novice-inflammation

Programming with Python
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Call for Contributions: image descriptions & titles #781

Closed maxim-belkin closed 3 years ago

maxim-belkin commented 4 years ago


We'd like to solicit contributions aimed at improving image descriptions (also known as "alternative text") in our lesson. The goal of this solicitation is to lower barriers to using Python Novice Inflammation lesson for learners with vision impairments and those who are unable to clearly see images for other reasons.

Technical details

Our lesson is written in the Markdown language. Therefore, all images follow the same format:

![image description](../fig/image.png "Optional title")

This call seeks contributions aimed at improving the text in square brackets above (image description).

Current list of figures

Ideally, image description would explain (describe) an image and its purpose in the lesson. To learn more about best practices for writing good image descriptions, go to https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext

If you'd like to improve the description of one of the images in our lesson, please submit a Pull Request or reply here with your suggestions and we'll be happy to help you with submitting a request.

blankdots commented 4 years ago

shouldn't the ![The first element of a list. Adapted from @hadleywickham.](../fig/indexing_lists_python.png) in 05-lists be included as well ?

maxim-belkin commented 4 years ago

Thank you, Stefan!

spikelynch commented 4 years ago

Just created the above pull request with an alt-text for an image in lesson 4 as part of my trainer checkout procedure.

lucygarner commented 3 years ago

Suggestion for 06-files.md ![Analysis of inflammation-01.csv](../fig/03-loop_49_1.png): Output from the first iteration of the for loop. Three line graphs showing the daily average, maximum and minimum inflammation over a 40-day period for the patients in inflammation-01.csv.

Happy to hear your feedback/suggestions.

ldko commented 3 years ago

Hi @lc822 , Thanks for suggesting new alt text for the line graph figure of inflammation-01.csv in the files episode. I like what you have suggested here, which I think provides an adequate description in the context of the surrounding text of the page. If you have a chance, we would be happy to have you open a pull request.

lucygarner commented 3 years ago

Great, I have done so (#908)

ivastar commented 3 years ago

Suggestions for the remaining image descriptions in 03-matplotlib.md, consistent with the one offered in #908:

03-matplotlib.md > ![A line graph showing the average inflammation across all patients over a 40-day period for the patients in inflammation-01.csv.](../fig/inflammation-01-average.svg)
03-matplotlib.md > ![A line graph showing the maximum inflammation across all patients over a 40-day period for the patients in inflammation-01.csv.](../fig/inflammation-01-maximum.svg)
03-matplotlib.md > ![A line graph showing the minimum inflammation across all patients over a 40-day period for the patients in inflammation-01.csv.](../fig/inflammation-01-minimum.svg)
03-matplotlib.md > ![Three line graphs showing the daily average, maximum and minimum inflammation over a 40-day period for the patients in inflammation-01.csv.](../fig/inflammation-01-group-plot.svg)
03-matplotlib.md > ![Three line graphs showing the daily average, maximum and minimum inflammation over a 40-day period for the patients in inflammation-01.csv with step lines connecting the points.](../fig/inflammation-01-line-styles.svg)

Let me know if these work and I'll do a pull request.

ldko commented 3 years ago

Hi @ivastar , Thank you for proposing these image descriptions. I think they are fitting in that they give more description than what we currently have, and details of the images you are describing are supplemented by the text before and after the images (for example, what the lines displayed are doing). I think we could leave off "for the patients in inflammation-01.csv" in the descriptions to keep the text shorter, because we are using the same data set throughout the episode, and because the file reference is not explicit in the images. We welcome a pull request! thanks again!

vinisalazar commented 3 years ago

I hope this is okay, but I went ahead and implemented the titles suggested by @ivastar with a few tweaks.



vinisalazar commented 3 years ago

I've also submitted a second PR providing suggestions for the remaining figures listed by OP. I hope it helps!

Thank you,


ivastar commented 3 years ago

@vinisalazar sure, no problem.

ldko commented 3 years ago

We've made it through the list. Thank you very much to all who have contributed to the alt text in the lesson!