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Setup suggestion - Usage of Google Colab notebooks #819

Open tarunbonu opened 4 years ago

tarunbonu commented 4 years ago

Hi there!

Google colaboratory (colab) notebooks are a good way to have everything set up to use instead of having to download and install Python or Anaconda tools locally on the system. This can be a good way to at least get started and be ready for the workshop. Google colaboratory has all the required libraries downloaded and installed without having to sign in with an email id. If it is a requirement to have all the data and notebooks be saved and stored, participants can sign in and colab will save the files in the respective Google drive.

slel commented 4 years ago

In the setup, we could mention several alternatives ways to get started without installing things on one's computer:

This chart by CoCalc compares some online solutions for Jupyter: https://cocalc.com/doc/compare.html

Personally I always get people started on CoCalc. Among other things, I like that:

ldko commented 4 years ago

Hi @tarunbonu and @slel thank you for sharing your thoughts on this issue. Online software solutions is something that comes up regularly, and I have seen individual learners try to use such tools in workshops I have been involved with.

The Carpentries have long preferred learners installing software on their own laptops with the thought they are more likely to continue using the tools that way. Other reasons to support local installations include:

However, due to the current situation and needing the option of a software solution for learners who can't get help installing software locally (such as for an online workshop), The Carpentries recently published an article with their position on the matter of working in the cloud during workshops where they recommend MyBinder for Python lessons (when an online solution is necessary) because of its identical interface to JupyterLab. Based on this recommendation, I don't think we will be adding Google Colab to the setup instructions at this time, However, it would be useful to add setup instructions for MyBinder. Would either of you be interested in doing this? Thanks for your time. --Lauren