swcarpentry / python-novice-inflammation

Programming with Python
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Python Fundamentals Edit #973

Open Jeet2806 opened 2 years ago

Jeet2806 commented 2 years ago

I am submitting this issue as my Software Carpentry Task-1 Lesson Contributions

In the Python Fundamentals Episode - https://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/01-intro/index.html

I believe rather than diving straight to data types used in Python, a little introduction to the programming language will be beneficial to actively engage the interest of the participants.

The introduction can be as follows:

Introduction to Python

Python is a programming language which is used commonly for a number of tasks:

It has been popular because of it's ease of use as the functions used in Python are very similar to the English language and it excuetes codes as they are written i.e., it uses an interpreter system of programming thus making prototyping easier.

Now let's learn about the various data types you can use in Python with some examples.

scday commented 2 years ago

Hi @Jeet2806 . I agree with your sentiments wholeheartedly. Making sure learners have an overview of what can be done with programming, specifically the programming language they will explore, helps create a baseline for the course. Python is an excellent programming language that has many benefits. I would also like it to be considered that we might want to share some of the benefits of python versus other programming languages in the overview. Additionally, maybe providing an example of the comparison to the English language may be helpful for learners.

emmasimp commented 1 year ago

I am submitting this comment as my Software Carpentry Task-1 Lesson Contributions

I agree too that providing some context to the python language would be a good thing. Perhaps quickly listing some of the places were python is used would give learners motativation for learning python, for example YouTube, Google, Dropbox are all primarily written in python. Its always nice to see what you are learning in action as it were. This also demonstrates the flexibility and wide use of the language.