swcarpentry / r-novice-inflammation

Programming with R
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Analyzing Patient Data suggestions #579

Open Claire-A-H opened 1 year ago

Claire-A-H commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have been reviewing the Programming with R module for the purposes of contributing for my instructor training. I found it very helpful and think the new look is great, but here is a couple of things I wondered about at the beginning of the module:

In the Summary and Setup episode users are asked to create a new folder called r-novice-inflammation for the downloaded data. However, in the Getting started section of the Analyzing Patient Data episode they are then told to create a new project in a new directory (rather than the existing directory they have already created), which I think has the potential to cause confusion. I see this issue has previously been raised and closed (issue #535), however it appears to still be an issue?

I also think it would be helpful if the Analyzing Patient Data episode referred to the Introduction to RStudio episode when it talks about creating a script, as otherwise new users may not be familiar with the difference between this and the console, and may not know how they can run their script commands?

Thanks again for creating these resources, and I hope my contribution is helpful. I would be happy to open a PR if required. Thanks, Claire

Claire-A-H commented 1 year ago

Also, in the Creating Functions page of the same module there is an error with the numbering in the NAMED VARIABLES AND THE SCOPE OF VARIABLES example (in the Composing Functions section) which may cause confusion. Again I am happy to fix this up if wished. Thanks.