swcarpentry / r-novice-inflammation

Programming with R
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Small fixes to formatting and readability #583

Closed elichad closed 1 year ago

elichad commented 1 year ago

While working through the course, I noticed some formatting that hasn't transferred across quite right in the Workbench transition, and also a couple of places where readability could be improved. Here's a batch of suggested improvements.

Screenshots show current pages on the left, updated pages on the right.

  1. Indented sublist by 4 spaces rather than 2, and changed labels for clarity Left: List with items labelled 1-6. Right: List with items 1 and 2, item 1 has sublist labelled a-d.
  2. Removed formatting to start list at item 5 (this is now done automatically just with the 5.) Left: List starting at item 5 with {:start="5"} written in plain text at the front. Right: Correctly formatted list starting at item 5.
  3. I found the repeated lowercase "i" and "l" hard to tell apart in the "Representing Data in R" exercise, especially when surrounded with quotes, so I capitalised the letters in this exercise and solution and also added code formatting. Left: Exercise using a factor with levels lowercase n, i, l. Right: Same exercise with factor levels now capitalised N, I, L.
  4. Made code blocks within a list format correctly Left: List with verbatim text of R code blocks. Right: List with executed R code.
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

Thank you for your pull request :smiley:

:robot: This automated message can help you check the rendered files in your submission for clarity. If you have any questions, please feel free to open an issue in {sandpaper}.

If you have files that automatically render output (e.g. R Markdown), then you should check for the following:

Rendered Changes

:mag: Inspect the changes: https://github.com/swcarpentry/r-novice-inflammation/compare/md-outputs..md-outputs-PR-583

The following changes were observed in the rendered markdown documents:

 02-func-R.md               |  10 +-
 06-best-practices-R.md     |  14 +-
 07-knitr-R.md              |   4 +-
 12-supp-factors.md         |  16 +-
 13-supp-data-structures.md |  54 +++++-
 config.yaml (new)          |  95 +++++++++++
 md5sum.txt                 |  10 +-
 renv.lock (new)            | 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 577 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
What does this mean? If you have source files that require output and figures to be generated (e.g. R Markdown), then it is important to make sure the generated figures and output are reproducible. This output provides a way for you to inspect the output in a diff-friendly manner so that it's easy to see the changes that occur due to new software versions or randomisation.

:stopwatch: Updated at 2023-07-10 09:05:20 +0000